Defence Minister Asks For S’poreans To Rally Together Against Wuhan Coronavirus

These few days, news about the Covid-19 is all anyone in Singapore could talk about.

But did you realise that every single one of them, besides the daily updates, has a common theme?

Shopping Malls, Entertainment Outlets Hit Hard By Coronavirus Outbreak

Some Taxi & PHV Drivers To Get $20 Assistance Daily To Tide Over Coronavirus Outbreak Period

S’pore Artist Draws Cute Corgi Comic To Show Support For Our Medical Workers

2,000 Grab Drivers Volunteer To Drive Medical Workers To Hospitals & Back

In order to tide over this difficult period, we can’t afford to have only selected groups sacrificing themselves for the “greater good”.

Everyone should come together and help out, no matter how small.

And it seems like we’re not the only ones to think that way because Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said the same thing.

“Let’s Use Total Defence, People”

On 14 Feb 2020, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen asks for Singaporeans to use Singapore’s Total Defence principles to rally together in his Total Defence speech.

He reminded Singaporeans about how we battled against Sars back in 2003.

“In some countries, this fear created distrust and divided people. But in Singapore, we rallied through Total Defence, stayed united, overcame the Sars crisis to emerge intact and stronger.”

Reader Beng: Hmmm…sounds legit. But how to use total defence?

Social Defence

Love squeezing your pimple or digging your nose for gold? Well, with social defence, you can do that no more.

Because other than chasing away prospective love interests-

Reader Beng: Wait, I thought girls find that hot?!

-it also increases the chance of you getting Covid-19.

The defence minister urges Singaporeans to practise good hygiene and to keep away from sick individuals.

And if you’re sick, don’t try to “be a man” and tahan. Look for a doctor instead.

At the same time, he says, show empathy and compassion to people who are infected or under quarantine.

I’ll say to extend that courtesy to our healthcare workers as well, yeah?

Psychological Defence

Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen also brought up the topic of psychological defence.

With the current climate, people are now afraid of going out of the house.

He emphasised that as long as one practises good hygiene, don’t anyhowly touch your own face and wash your hand frequently with soap, you should be alright.

Daily life can still go on as long as you take “sensible precautions”.

Digital Defence

Last, but no less important is digital defence.

The Covid-19 outbreak has shown how dangerous and disruptive fake news can be to people.


“We must never let these Drums – distortions, rumours, untruths, misinformation and smears – be heard lest they sow discord, divide our people and ultimately weaken our will to defeat the outbreak and defend Singapore.”

As 15 Feb 2020 is Total Defence Day, he is confident that, just like 2003, Singaporeans will be able to rally together and beat Covid-19 if we want to.

I don’t know why but I’m suddenly proud of being a Singaporean. How about you?

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