We’ve all heard of the saying, “men are tr***”
Well of course, this does not apply to the entire male population of the planet. There are some exceptions and I would give them a 5/5 recommendation on Yelp.

The concept of women helping out women was Ong Shuling’s motivation towards creating the female-only carpooling Telegram group, SG Hitch Female Riders.
The group was created as a response to the increase of harassment cases that stemmed from carpooling services in the country.
Unfortunately, the group on its own proved to be a futile force against harassers.
Exposing Unwanted Drivers
A problem does not solve itself overnight. Despite the efforts of groups as such, unwanted cases of sexual harassment remains rampant within the platform…
What’s amazing is the dedication of the harassers. Maybe it’s the chase and the challenge. After all, men are very much known to enjoy “the chase”. God knows why but I’ve read enough teen magazine articles to know that even Taylor Lautner is a fan of “the chase”.
In an effort to eradicate the bunch of creepies, Ong set up another group. The group was aptly called SG Hitch Blacklist Telegram. As of today, the group has 671 members.
Its purpose? To encourage female riders to report alleged cases of harassment and unsolicited sexual advancements from unwanted male drivers in the group.
Boy oh boy… Are there a lot.

Some have even built up the audacity to send images of the nasty.

The group has become an overnight sensation amongst Singaporeans. The members are now not limited to just females. Members in the group have also suggested that instead of bringing up their concerns in the group, that these victims should surface them to the police.
Others just commented on how they felt that the group was unnecessary as a whole.

We’ve got a long way to go in protecting our women from unsafe acts from strangers. It’s definitely not something that we hope will progress into something much more sinister.
Pictures Of Dongles
At least two people thought it was wise to share his dongle to the world.

If you are a victim of harassment, please do not hesitate to contact the police.
And by the way, there’s another hitch for this type of messages: it’s called Tinder.
Guys, know the difference, please.