Disabled M’sian Mechanic Begs Public To Send Cars To His Workshop Because No One Else Will

Having a family comes with a lot of sacrifices.

You work not only to support yourself but loved ones as well.

Image: bambiniphoto.sg

It’s even harder for those in one-income households, especially those with children.

Quick shoutout to mom and dad for being amazing parents, by the way!

Now imagine having all of those same responsibilities but with the challenge of having no arms and legs.

Limbless Determination

Even with a strong heart and mind, the body sometimes breaks down.

According to World Of Buzz, a mechanic from Malacca, who goes by the name Pak Busu, gained the attention of the public when he posted online about how difficult it is to support his family.

Patutler org x nk hntar kreta ke bngkel sy utkdirepair…Rupa rupanye org kesian tngok sy buat keje.Jgn kesiankn…

Posted by Pak Busu on Tuesday, 19 November 2019

As you can see from the image, Pak Busu has neither hands nor legs.

Just imagine being a mechanic without limbs! You’re either crazy or skilled beyond belief.

However, Pak Busu states that he does not want the sympathy of others and is more worried about supporting his family due to the lack of customers.

He says others don’t send their cars to him out of pity, and this act hurts him as he cannot do other jobs and make money.

Image: Sinar Harian

Pak Busu feels the real pity should go to his wife and children. Without him, they’re unable to receive money, have water and electricity bills paid or have an education.

He then ends the post by urging the public to send their damaged cars to his workshop in Jalan Batu Hampar.

As of this writing, the post has garnered over 5500 shares, 677 comments and 7300 reactions.

Image: Facebook (Pak Busu)

Mad respect to guy for trudging on despite all these difficulties, man.

Support From Netizens

The internet doesn’t only get rowdy for drama, sometimes stories of good people get people going too.

Several replies had netizens show support, saying that they hoped he would be blessed and that his situation would turn around soon.

Another reminded Pak Busu that he should be protected by insurance as he is doing high-risk work.

However, he replied saying that he is incapable of paying for it on time every month.

The mechanic’s latest post on Nov 23 displays his thanks for all the encouragement but he also doesn’t want other people to misunderstand him.

Sometimes in life, if we think we have it tough, we can look to people like Pak Busu. A family man who pushes on despite so many shortcomings.

We encourage people in the area to drop by his place in Jalan Batu Hampar; his workshop is called IM Auto Garage. You could give the man a bit of business if you’re ever in that area in Malaysia. You can even contact him at 012 2195235.

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