Dog’s Paw Stuck in VivoCity Escalator Gaps, Causing Escalator to Halt

It’s hard not to melt into a puddle of goo whenever you come across an adorable doggo.

Image: Good Housekeeping

These little guys shower us with unconditional love and smother us with affection, making us smile even on our worst days.

Who could stay sad with a tail-wagging dog awaiting your return home?

Excited Dog GIF
Image: Giphy

That’s why our hearts break whenever we see them in pain, like this poor doggo in VivoCity.

Dog’s Paw Stuck in VivoCity Escalator Gaps, Causing Escalator to Halt

On Saturday (15 Aug), the owner of the dog was bringing it along with another dog up to Vivocity’s 3rd floor at around 10am.

The owner was carrying one dog and had another on a leash at the time and was bringing them to a pet grooming centre at the mall, reported Lianhe Zaobao.

One their way up, an eyewitness said that the escalator suddenly stopped and they heard the leashed dog yelping.

To their horror, they discovered that the dog’s hind paw was trapped between the escalator gaps, causing it to come to a sudden stop.

“I took a closer look. It turned out that the dog’s hind foot was stuck in the escalator. It may be that the dog’s hair or nails were caught in, and the toes were stuck in the crevices of the escalator, which caused the escalator to stop moving.”

The poor dog wailed in pain and his paw started to bleed.

Mall’s Mechanic to the Rescue

Onlookers sprang into action and called the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) for help. They also informed the building’s management.

30 minutes later, the mall’s mechanic managed to free the wailing dog’s paw by dismantling parts of the escalator, MS News reported.

Image: Lianhe Zaobao

The dog still continued to groan in pain, however.

Its current condition is unknown.

A Cautionary Tale

One staff member of a store at VivoCity, who is a dog owner herself, warned other dog owners to be careful around escalators, as their fur and nails could easily get stuck in the gaps.

“A dog’s fur or nails could get trapped between the gaps of the escalator. When I bring my dog ​​to the mall, I take the elevator”, she said.

She added that if she was forced to take the escalator, she would carry her dog while on it.

A similar incident occurred in 2018, where one dog’s paw pad was split in half after both her paws got stuck in an escalator.

We need to be more attentive to our doggos. They’re completely dependent on us.


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