
Haagen-Dazs is now selling BruceLee flavours?? Even for Haagen-Dazs, this is unique, isn’t it?!

No, wait… Ohhhhhh Creme Brûlée.

Image: Giphy
It actually exists though. / Image: Google Images

That’s right. It’s that rich custard dessert with a satisfying layer of caramelised sugar to crack on top, setting a contrast between velvety and a light crisp.

And Haagen-Dasz is turning it into a limited-edition flavour. With Mochi.

Haagen-Dazs Caramel Crème Brûlée Mochi Flavour Limited Until 26 Dec

Image: Haagen Dazs

According to MSNews, it’s only on sale until 26 December 2019, so there’s not much time left on this.

What People Who Tried It Said

Malaysian bloggers KLFoodie and Leesharing have already tried it, and from their tasting, it seems quite special.

Leesharing described the ice cream as having a rich caramel taste, with a light pudding flavour and made special by including generous amounts of mochi. There’s a lot of mochi, which makes the texture QQ and very satisfying.

KLFoodie says it’s “UH-MAE-ZING” and the mochi “elevates the entire ice-cream experience”.

From the pictures, it seems like the mochi is in chunks in the ice cream:

Image: Haagen-Dazs

Note: Not The Same As Japan’s Mochi Ice Cream

If you follow news of snacks and ice cream, you might have come across this IG-worthy image from SoraNews24.

Image: SoraNews24

That’s from their review of Haagen-Dazs kinako kuromitsu mochi ice cream, which is ice cream swirled with a sweet sauce made from brown sugar, then topped with mochi and then topped again with roasted soybean flour.

It may be slightly disappointing for the gram, and the “mochi” word might make you instantly think of this, but it’s quite different from the flavour we have in Singapore.

S$14.50 A Pint for 473ml

The 473ml pint retails for the usual Haagen-Dazs price at S$14.50, and you can find it at the major supermarkets and hypermarkets.

I guess I know what’s going to be one of my desserts for Christmas.

Image: Giphy

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