One word: gaming brand.
Pui! “Gaming” is just a marketing term for naive people to pay more money.
And you might be right. As someone who never believed in marketing schticks and fancy schmancy names, I still believe the best gaming things is just any regular thing.

But what if I told you…
There’s up to 80% discount?
80%?? Oh yeah, show me the goods. I’m in.

Kallang Warehouse Sale By Leapfrogglobal Brands

You probably don’t know about Leapfroglobal, but you would have heard of Armageddon, Sonic Gear, Audiobox, Alcatroz and Elysium. Oh yeah, those brands will all be involved in the sale.
Complete Gaming Setup From S$499
This is by no means capable of running the newest games, but if looking into getting a cool rig for cheap budget gaming, you can do it for a mere S$500.

- FREE 22″ PF22HD Gaming Monitor
- FREE MKA-3C Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
- FREE Scorpion 5 RGB Gaming Mouse
- FREE Atom 5 2.1 Gaming Headset
- Processor: AMD Athlon 3000G
- RAM: 4GB 2666mhz
- Motherboard: ASUS A320
- Storage: 120GB SSD
- Chassis: Armaggeddon Nimitz N5
I see you patient gamers out there widening your eyes.
What’s that? You want something more powerful?
The warehouse gotcha back.
Check this Armaggeddon Showroom Exclusive AMD Build out, that’s now a cool S$200 off to S$1499.

- Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
- Graphics Card: AMD RADEON 5700XT
- RAM: 2x 8GB 2666mhz
- Motherboard: ASUS B450
- Storage: 256GB SSD
- Chassis: Armaggeddon Nimitz N7
- 3 Years Parts Warranty (1st Year Onsite)
Monitor Bundles
Just looking at these monitors and I’m already drooling.
The XC39HD right here now sells at S$499, which is S$400 less than the retail price of S$899. And did I mention that this baby comes with a soundbar worth S$199?

You want choices? You got them. The XC32HD here is S$399 (from S$699) and also comes with the soundbar bundle.

I probably don’t have to tell you this, but it’s a warehouse and there are other monitors there as well.
Other Computer Accessories
Keyboards, speakers, gaming mice, subwoofers, tables… You name it, they got it.

Here’s a look inside where you can spot Sonic Gear.

And the Elysium Iron Mini Elysium speakers for $79.90 (UP $129.00).

You’ll have to discover the rest of the goodies yourself at the venue.
And So… What’re You Waiting For?
The warehouse sale runs from 16 January 2020 to 18 January 2020. That’s right; it’s currently ONGOING and we may or may not have reported this late because we already got all the good deals for ourselves.
(Jk, we know you people prefer the Fridays and Saturdays.)
Armageddon Warehouse Sale
Address: 1 Kallang Sector, Singapore 349276, Singapore #03-05
Date: 16-18 January 2020
Time: 10am-7:30pm
Prepare your mountain dews and doritos cause I’ll be ready for the New Year gaming party.