Driver Who Crashed Through Tuas Checkpoint Also Charged With Drug Trafficking

We know about the nerve-wracking and dangerous situation that our ICA officers were faced with on Friday (8 April) when a Singaporean driver tried to force his way into Singapore at the Tuas Checkpoint.

This resulted in an ugly crash when the driver tried to enter via the automated motorcycle lane instead and ended up inevitably stuck when it crashed into the counters.

Trio in Car Was Involved in High-Speed Chase 

The Singaporean male driver was in the car with a Chinese male national and a Vietnamese female national.

All three were being pursued by Malaysian police across the Second link. The auxiliary officer on duty spotted the chase and proceeded to raise the alarm, resulting in a lockdown of the entire checkpoint area.

The Chinese male national was identified as 35-year-old Chen Songqing and the Vietnamese female was identified as 31-year-old Ho Thi My Nhung.

Singaporean Driver Charged With Drug Trafficking 

In addition to one charge of dangerous driving causing hurt, the 46-year-old male Singaporean driver, Teo Thiam Leng, was also handed one charge of drug trafficking.

Initial investigations revealed that Teo was actually a wanted person by the police and the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). He had tested positive for drug consumption after taking a urine test.

In 2016, Teo also worked together with another Singaporean, Er Lin Cheng and another unknown person with the aim to bring 33g of methamphetamine across Woodlands Checkpoint.

Methamphetamine (also known as “Ice” or “meth”) is a type of drug that can induce psychotic episodes in a user. In 2017, an 18-year-old female had died when she fell from her bedroom window after consuming “Ice”.

Teo was also convicted for trafficking ketamine (known as Special K, Vitamin K, Kit Kat, or K) in 2007 and was jailed for five years and dealt five strokes of the cane.

This means that Teo’s criminal history with drug trafficking warrants an enhanced punishment when he receives his next sentence. If found guilty, Teo could face up to 30 years in jail and 15 strokes of the cane for drug trafficking.

Featured Image: Facebook (Immigration & Checkpoints Authority)

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