As the Covid-19 extends its reach around the globe, it has become crucial that every citizen in Singapore understand what the Covid-19 is, and the appropriate steps and measures that should be adopted in response.
Thankfully, the government has since stepped up its efforts in educating the masses about the highly-infectious pathogen, and it’s safe to say that at the current moment, our citizens are relatively information-savvy-
“Hoi WriterBaBaBa,” my Aunt Matilda interjected. “I won’t get infected with the Wuhan Virus if I wear a facial mask right?”
“Why can’t I go to work?” my Uncle Dennis demanded. “It’s just a fever and a cough. I’ve suffered worse. Who’s going to support the children if I don’t go to work… what, your Aunt Matilda?”
“I heard they assassinate all potential victims,” my Aunt Bobao cried. “For the sake of the family’s honour and reputation, I shall assassinate all potential cases in the family myself.”
… well alright so maybe they aren’t as information-savvy as we thought. But hey no worries, because we have the Dummy’s guide to the Covid-19 right here.
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Every Poster Your Dad & Mom Need To Understand The Covid-19 Situation in S’pore
Lest you’re unaware, the government has come up with a series of posters to educate the Singaporean public on the appropriate measures that should be adopted to circumvent the Covid-19.
You’re unaware? Well, you’re not alone. Without further ado, however, let’s go through all the informational posters one by one.
For starters, there are some pointers on what to do in light of the recent Coronavirus crisis, as well as the steps to take if you’re unwell.

Home Quarantine Orders and Leave of Absences should also be duly complied with, and affected personnel should stay at their designated locations while necessary.

Pay attention to telling symptoms like…

And remember to practice good personal hygiene at all times.
Also, masks should be worn only when you’re feeling unwell.

Should it be a necessity, make sure to adopt the necessary steps to ensure optimal protection for your mask too.

And lest you’re wondering what happens to suspect cases, don’t worry;
They don’t get assassinated.

Should overseas travel become a requirement, make sure to abide by the following precautionary steps.

And last but not least, pay close attention to the different Dorscon Alert Levels, and what they signify.
As of right now, the alert level’s Orange.

On a side note, you can peruse the following video for an in-depth insight into the Covid-19:
You can also refer to this link for more informational posters and articles.
Posters rendered in other languages are also available online for your perusal.

So stay safe and take the necessary precautions when required. Educate your family members about the pathogen, and together…
We can survive this crisis.
“So this Wuhan virus no kick one lah?” – Aunt Matilda 2k20
And if you have any family members who might be illegally misinformed like my Aunt Matilda, please refer them to this article.
In the meanwhile, keep yourself updated on the Covid-19 situation in Singapore with MOH’s website.