Everything About Andrew Cuomo’s Resignation As New York Governor, Who Was Hailed as a Hero in 2020

What a difference a year makes.

In 2020, when everyone was criticising Donald Trump for his bungled and ambiguous COVID-10 response, one governor in the US was praised for discussing its challenges in a  straightforward and transparent way, and implementing the necessary measures to address them.

Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, was riding so high in public opinion polls that he was even touted as a presidential candidate.

Now, he’s no longer governor, and will likely never be elected to office again. What the heck happened?

Andrew Cuomo Resigns As New York Governor

Yesterday (10 Aug), Cuomo announced that he would resign as governor, after a civil investigation found that he had sexually harassed multiple women, including state employees.

His resignation will take effect in two weeks, and Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will assume his post.

Despite the investigation’s findings, the 63-year-old insists he’s innocent.

“In my mind, I’ve never crossed the line with anyone,” Cuomo said in a televised press conference.

“But I didn’t realise the extent to which the line has been redrawn.”

The Allegations

It all started last December, when Lindsey Boylan, a former aide in his administration, shared a series of tweets accusing Cuomo of sexually harassing her for years.

She elaborated on the incidents later in February, saying he invited her to play strip poker with him in 2017 and kissed her on the lips without warning in his office the next year.

“As I got up to leave and walk toward an open door, he stepped in front of me and kissed me on the lips,” she said.

“I was in shock, but I kept walking.” She resigned later that year.

Soon, more women came forward with similar stories; some experienced verbal harassment where he made suggestive remarks. Others were kissed and one even groped.

The 63-year-old denied the accusations, but more and more people started calling for his resignation.

Apologised, But Called the Report False

The civil investigation, headed by New York Attorney-General Letitia James, found that he had indeed sexually harassed 11 women. Its findings were published a week ago.

Cuomo apologised to the 11 women named in the investigation, but called the report “false”.

He said he did not intentionally sexually harass anyone and accepts “full responsibility” if he offended anyone.

Despite his proclamations of innocence, he said he chose to leave his post as it was in the best interest of the people of New York.

New York’s new governor, Kathy Hochul, will be the state’s first female governor.

She has supported women facing domestic and sexual violence throughout her career, and previously slammed the governor for his “repulsive and unlawful behaviour”.

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Featured Image: Ron Adar / Shutterstock.com

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