There are many depraved acts in this world, but arguably the most depraved of them all are sexual predators who prey on young and innocent girls.
32-year-old Simon Wong Choy Chuan is a serial sex offender who took his depraved actions to the next level with four young girls.
Everything About The 32YO Sex Predator Who Groomed Four Underaged Girls Into Performing Sexual Acts on Him
Beyond just preying on one innocent girl, this man went above and beyond to ensure that his sexual desires were fulfilled.
For one, he came up with a weekly roster for four young girls to satisfy his sexual desires.
This wasn’t even his first offence.
The 32-year-old had previously been jailed for 6 and a half years back in 2013 after he pretended to be possessed to trick five minors into performing sex acts on him.
In the latest news, he has admitted to preying on another four underage girls after being released from jail.
This time around, he managed to convince the underage girls that he was a gang leader and a clairvoyant.

He was convicted of four charges of sexual penetration of a minor under the age of 16. Another 16 similar charges and eight charges under the Children and Young Persons Act were taken into consideration.
The offences were committed from September 2017 to February 2018 as he was working part-time at his mother’s maid agency.
What Happened
In August 2017, he made friends with a 15-year-old girl on Facebook but told her that he was 21-years-old.
They began a relationship the following month in September 2017 and he made her perform sex acts on him.
Three months later, he asked her to introduce him to other girls.
The girl then introduced her friends, two 14-year-olds and a 13-year-old.
He told them that he was a gang leader and asked that all the girls pay him $10 each day for protection from being bullied in school.
The girls believed his lies and gave him $130 in total.
He also made the first victim teach her friends how to perform sexual acts and asked the girls to satisfy his sexual desires.
Claimed He Was A Clairvoyant
He tricked them into believing that he was a clairvoyant and that bad luck and misfortune would happen to their friend if they didn’t carry out the sexual acts.
The girls then agreed to perform sex acts on him at carparks and staircases until one of the victims finally made a police report on 14 February 2018.
According to Deputy Public Prosecutor Chee Ee Ling, Wong had a weekly roster where he would schedule meetings with the girls once a week and commit the offences.
He is deemed to be at high risk of sexually reoffending towards young teenage girls and asked the court to call for a corrective training suitability report.
Wong has been remanded for almost two years and will be back in court on 3 March for a sentence hearing.
For each charge of sexually penetrating a minor under the age of 16, he can be jailed for up to 10 years, fined, or both.
Child Grooming in S’pore
Child grooming is a very serious issue in Singapore. In a report by Microsoft, 2 in 3 secondary school students received sexual content online.
Which is where Flag, You’re It, a group to raise awareness about child grooming, comes in.
They have an immersive exhibition, 45 Minutes in the Preyground, that’ll teach parents and youths about online grooming, what it feels like (both on the victims’ and predators’ side) and how to protect yourself against it.
You can check out their website for more information.