Everything About the India Shutdown That’ll Ground an Additional 1 Billion People

The scariest part of the COVID-19 outbreak is arguably the fact that everything is so uncertain.

One moment our education minister assures Singaporeans that our younger citizens are safer at school, and the next a PCF Sparkletots teacher is down with the coronavirus, prompting the school to be shut for 14 days.

We don’t know when or if the situation is going to cool down. What we do know is that governments are taking zero chances:

Everything About the India Shutdown That’ll Ground an Additional 1 Billion People

The latest government to raise eyebrows is India where Prime Minister Narendra Modi has just ordered a “complete” lockdown for as many as 1.3 billion people in India.

Yes, billion not million.

Image: GIphy

To highlight just how dire the situation is, he even warns that “many families will be destroyed forever” if the country isn’t able to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in the next three weeks.

Minimum Of 21 Day Lockdown

Modi announced that the lockdown would begin at midnight local time and would go on for a minimum of 21 days.

All of India’s 36 states and territories will observe the lockdown.

Minimum? This suggests that there is a possibility that the lockdown could be extended.

Modi said on live television: “You have seen the worldwide situations arising from the coronavirus pandemic in the news. You have also seen how the most powerful nations have become helpless in the face of this pandemic.”

Lest you’re unaware, India is the world’s second-most populous country and the fifth-largest economy. Just imagine the scale of that lockdown.

Thus far, it isn’t as hard-hit relative to other countries, with a total of 562 coronavirus cases which includes 10 deaths, according to the Ministry of Health.

39 people have made a full recovery.

Earlier, a handful of Indian states have announced lockdown in a bid to stop further spread of the coronavirus.

International borders, on the other hand, have barred entry to most travellers from Europe.

Social Distancing Is The Only Option To Combat Coronavirus

Modi explains that these drastic measures are needed to help to combat the coronavirus and referred to what other countries have been doing.

“What the experts are saying is that social distancing is the only option to combat coronavirus. That is to remain apart from each other and stay confined to within your homes. There is no other way to remain safe from coronavirus. If we have to stop the spread, we have to break the cycle of infection,” he said.

Modi added, “From 12 midnight today, the entire country will go under a complete lockdown to save India and for every Indian, there will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes. Therefore, I request you to remain wherever you are in this country.”

Essential Services Will Remain Operational

Rest assured that essential services including water, electricity, health services, fire services, groceries and municipal services will remain operational.

However, all shops, commercial establishments, factories, workshops, offices, markets and places of worship will be closed.

Further, India’s public transport like interstate buses and metros will come to a temporary close.

Again, Modi highlighted the importance and said that if the coronavirus was not contained well, it could set the country back decades.

“According to health experts, a minimum of 21 days is most crucial to break the cycle of infection. If we are not able to manage this pandemic in the next 21 days, the country and your family will be setback by 21 years. If we are not able to manage the next 21 days, then many families will be destroyed forever,” Modi said.

New Measures To Cushion Economic Blow

The Indian government has also introduced new measures in order to cushion the economic blow.

This includes extending deadlines to file tax returns by three months, waive of charges on minimum bank balances and no fees when using other banks’ ATMs.

India’s Labor Ministry has also advised all territories to help construction workers who have no job due to the outbreak.


This is because India’s construction workers are seen to be a form of informal labour who earn their salaries through daily wages.

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