Everything About The New Major Measures in S’pore That Certainly Sound Like a Lockdown

When we were all told that PM Lee is going to give a speech at 4pm today, and that it was mentioned “more steps” were needed to ensure that we can control the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us were expecting the worst.

And the worst did occur.

While the word “lockdown” wasn’t mentioned, this time, it certainly sounded like one.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Drastic Measures in Singapore for a Month

Most Places to Be Closed from 7 April 2020

For a start, ALL workplaces would be shut down except for essential services.

So, what are considered essential services?

Here’s a list of the essential services that can remain open:

  • Food establishments
  • Markets
  • Supermarkets
  • Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Utilities
  • Transport
  • Key banking services

For a full list, you can check this website.

So no, even if your boss wants you to go to work just to keep an eye on you, he or she can’t because even your boss can’t go to the office.

Schools to Shut Down From 8 April 2020

From next Wednesday, all schools would be closed, and every student would have to go through home-based learning for a month instead of just once a week.

Pre-schools and student care centres will be closed as well.

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For parents who still need to work or can’t make alternative care arrangements, alternative care arrangements would be made for them. More details would be revealed soon.

In addition, mid-year exams would also be cancelled. I can almost hear the cheers from kids all over Singapore.

Restrictions on Movements

For one, people are advised to stay at home as much as possible, and PM Lee has advised everyone to avoid visiting others, especially the elderly and the vulnerable.

And if you need to go out? It should only be for essential things, like buying food.

Also, you can’t dine in – all food must be dabao-ed instead, and when you’re dabao-ing, you need to practise safe distancing.

It’s Going to be Super Tough

No doubt this is going to hit everyone badly.

While details about how the “lockdown” would work, the authorities would be providing yet another help package next week.

You can watch PM Lee’s speech here:

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