Everything About the Support Measures Mentioned by DPM Heng That Help Individuals

In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock, DPM Heng took to the podium to speak to Singapore this afternoon at 3.30pm.

Now, if you’re hoping the Singapore Cai Shen Ye (God of Prosperity) is going to announce more financial help for struggling individuals and businesses, you’ll be glad to know that yes, the government is spending more money to help people like you and me.

It will cost an additional S$8 billion, but according to Minister Heng, the money won’t be coming from our reserves; it’ll merely be diverted from other projects that are delayed by Covid-19.

Like, say, the JB-KL railway? Maybe. He didn’t exactly state what projects are left hanging in the air, and I doubt people are interested in it anyway.

Image: memegenerator.net

Giving You Pocket Money To Explore

Now, this isn’t exactly for individuals since it’s businesses in the tourism industry that will benefit but hey, you get to go out and enjoy for free. That’s beneficial.

You’ve probably heard of Singapoliday, the campaign that hopes Singaporeans will spend on our own businesses in the tourism industry.

Well, let’s just say it’s not going well.

To rectify that particular issue, DPM Heng announced that he will set aside $320 million to be used for what he calls SingapoRediscovers Vouchers.

Sounds cheem but basically, it’s tourism normal everyday Singaporeans like you and me can use to “revisit” Singapore.

So imagine you want to go to RWS and drink expensive coke. Instead of paying from your own pocket, you can use the vouchers.

Of course, that’s just an example and nobody knows the details yet because the Ministry of Trade and Industry will do the big reveal next month.

4,000 More Roles To Be Created In Healthcare Sector

The aerospace, aviation and tourism sectors are the hardest hit in this pandemic, given that global travel has crashed to a complete stop.

This is why the government is promising an additional S$187 million to provide cost relief for businesses in these industries.

In fact, they are also creating 4,000 more roles, some permanent and some not, for people in these sectors to re-deploy.

Like air stewardess becoming safe distancing ambassadors.

Other Financial Help

Previously, low-wage workers who are on the Workfare Income Supplement scheme for 2019 are given $3,000 income relief.

The scheme will be extended to people who were not on the scheme last year, but are on it this year.

Which is great because, for a long time, people have been complaining about the cracks in the help schemes.

Another piece of good news: for those who were unemployed or had a pay cut due to Covid-19, the Covid-19 Support Grant will be extended to the end of the year (Dec 2020).


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