Everything You Need to Know About the New Staycation & Cruise Rules from 16 May to 13 June

Good morning, and welcome to Lockdown 2.0.

I mean Circuit Breaker 2.0.

I mean Phase 2 (Heightened Alert).

They are really getting creative with the names, huh.

Anyway, because the essence of stopping a worldwide pandemic is to stop people from having fun wherever possible, you bet that whatever plans you have will need to be changed at the last minute. 

This includes staycations and cruises. Be beyond thankful they aren’t cancelled just yet. (Or maybe they should have been?)

Tightened Measures for Cruises and Staycations

According to the Singapore Tourism Board, here are the things you need to take note of on your staycay.

Until 13 June, hotels and cruises will be required to prohibit gatherings of more than two people in any room, or in adjacent pairs of rooms with doors connecting them.

Common areas like the lobby will also see a more limited capacity, capped at one person every 16 square metres of space, like shopping malls and other public venues. 

Tiny boutique shophouse hotels silently sulk as they realise their lobbies can only accommodate two people

Marriage solemnisations, if they are planned, will survive the new restrictions. (For now.) However, they cannot involve more than 100 people, and wedding receptions will not be permitted.

Other events, most notably Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) occasions, will also be allowed to proceed with up to 100 participants if pre-event testing is implemented.

Without testing, these events are limited to 50 people, and no unmasking is allowed. No food and drinks can be served at these events either.

If you are looking forward to replicating this rousing musical anthem, the bad news is that classes or other activities requiring masks to be removed will also cease. This includes singing, and the use of instruments that “require intentional expulsion of air”.

Yeah, just in case your dear clarinet contracts COVID-19.

Unfortunately, as is the case all over Singapore, your reservation at that romantic Michelin starred restaurant will have to go to waste as food and beverage establishments cease dine-in activities. 

At least now you can enjoy some overpriced room service food in the comfort of your tiny hotel room desk!

Spas and wellness services that can be conducted with masks on, however, will be allowed to proceed.

Rejoice, for the Government has been merciful. If we don’t comply with the new restrictions and COVID-19 cases keep rising, however…

This has been a public service announcement.

Featured Image: Kanyapak Lim/ Shutterstock.com

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