Everything You Need to Know About the PES Status Criteria for Army Half Marathon

We live in an age where whether you can get discounts depends on your Physical Employment Standard (PES) status.

Only SAF active servicemen or NSmen from PES A to B2 can get discounted prices in the upcoming SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon.

It’s one thing to miss out on Shopee flash sales but another on discounts because of your PES status. Obviously, Singaporeans aren’t too happy with the event’s PES status criteria.

Singaporeans Unhappy that SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon Discounts Based on PES Status Criteria

Do you want to join the SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon on 27 August?

Unless you belong to the group of SAF active servicemen or NSmen in PES A to B2, be prepared to drop a bomb on your wallet—the race’s promotional prices are only available to this exclusive group.

If you’re not part of that group, you’ll be treated as a “normie” member of the public unless you’re lucky enough to fall in the “SAFRA Dependent Members/SAF Family Members” category.

As a “normie” member of the public not belonging to PES A to B2, you’ll have to pay registration fees up to five times that of the PES A to B2 fellas.

See lah. Chao keng somemore. 

For instance, those from this exclusive group only have to pay $20 for the Army Half Marathon. Members of the public must pay $85.

The price difference is almost as stark for the 10km race—$15 vs $65.

Fortunately, the price difference for the Families for Life 800m Challenge isn’t as bad—$10 vs $25.

As for the virtual half marathon challenge from 31 July to 26 August, the price difference between the two groups is a mere $10. But of course, it’ll be the best if there weren’t a PES status criteria for promotional prices in the first place.

It’s almost like restricting how often a secondary four student can go to the toilet based on their 2.4km timings. Not the athletic type? Too bad; I guess your washroom privileges are revoked.

Just wait till the debate kids get wind of this.

Obviously, most Singaporeans haven’t been very happy with the PES status criteria for promotional prices. And what do Singaporeans do best in these types of situations?

Complain in Facebook comments, of course.

Image: Facebook (SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon)

In the event’s Facebook comment section, many questioned the rationale behind the PES status criteria for the promotional prices while expressing their disappointment with the race’s organisers.

You have never seen real solidarity until you’ve seen a Facebook comments section flooded with unhappy Singaporeans. It’s so impressive it should be included in UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Uniquely Singaporean, indeed.

Chairman of SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon Executive Committee Responds: Organisers Concerned for Participants’ Safety

If you want to learn how to do Taiji, you should learn from the masters themselves—the SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon organisers.

In response to Singaporeans’ unhappiness, the Chairman of the Army Half Marathon’s Executive Committee, Mr Kenneth Liow, shared that those entitled to the promotional prices must have medical clearance to participate in the selected races.

This medical clearance comes in the form of the PES A to B2 eligibility restriction.

In contrast, those not part of the PES A to B2 group may “submit the state of health and clearance from certified medical practitioners to the organisers”.

Taiji at its peak. We’ll give credit where credit is due—he’s a master of his craft.

Essentially, through all those cryptic lines, the organisers are trying to say that the PES status criteria was implemented to ensure only the medically fit can participate in the SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon. This ensures participants’ safety.

Suppose you don’t belong to the PES A to B2 group but are medically certified to participate in the SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon. In that case, you may submit a deviation request to [email protected]

Feeling a little less dulan about the PES status-based promotional prices now?

We doubt it, but if you’re still interested in joining one of the races, here’s what you can expect.

The half marathon and 10km race, while more expensive for us “normies”, brings you through a scenic running route so you can relax and forget how much you had to pay to register for the event.

The route will begin at Merdeka Bridge, bringing you past Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay and other landmarks in the area, before finishing at Singapore Sports Hub.

For the half marathon and 10km races, if you’re not part of the “promotional price” group, you’ll have to sign up for the open categories.

If you’re bringing children with you to the race, you might want to consider signing up for the Families for Life 800m Challenge, where the younger ones can play with dinosaur mascots at the Singapore Sports Hub.

Up to four family members, including adults and children, may sign up with you for the Families for Life 800m Challenge.

You may also sign up for the virtual 21km Cumulative Challenge, where you can clock the half marathon distance anytime and anywhere between 31 July and 26 August.

Note that you’ll have to run outdoors if you’re joining the virtual 21km Cumulative Challenge. Runs clocked on treadmills will not be accepted by the event organisers.

Depending on which event you’ll be registering for, you might also be entitled to various goods and merchandise, including event apparel, finisher tees or a finisher medal.

If you’re not in PES A to B2, but you’re registering for the races anyway, the race won’t be the only thing you finish—your bank account too.

Not exactly an entitlement, but see it however you want, I guess.

You can click here to learn more about the SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon.

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