Father Forces Son To Beg At Railway Because He Didn’t Finish His Homework

When I could not memorise my multiplication tables, when I was six, I was caned by my parents.

Image: Giphy

Growing up, I’ve also heard of some pretty wacky ways in which Asian parents have punished their kids and expected high academic performance.

However, nothing I’ve seen or heard compares to this cruel act.

Visceral And Humiliating Lesson.

In Shanghai, a dad took it to the next level.

His son had not been finishing his homework dutifully, and of course, like what any reasonable parent would do, he left him to beg at a railway station as punishment.

Image: Giphy

Dude what the hell…

I would assume that beyond the inhumane aspect of this punishment, it was probably to teach the boy how difficult it is to earn money in the adult world, so he should study hard.

However, the boy was ten and left there by his father at 4AM in the morning before he went for work. The boy was also freezing as he only had a single jacket to keep warm.

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