Food Delivery Personnel Photographed for Eating Outdoors; Claimed to be a Grey Area So Far

When new laws or rules are implemented, there are bound to be some grey areas.

For example, like what Reader Bao asked in our previous article: can we smoke outdoors, given that we should always stay in our home? Is Daiso really considered an essential service? Why are bubble tea outlets still allowed to operate?

But this latest question should be answered soon, because countless of them are out there delivering food:

Where does food delivery people makan?

Food Delivery Personnel Photographed for Eating Outdoors; Claimed to be a Grey Area So Far

A food delivery personnel has posted a pressing question: given that they’re always outdoors delivering food, and that having food anywhere in the public is considered an offence, where do they have their meals?

Image: Facebook

Lest you can’t read, here’s what he’s said:

Just now someone took a photo of me having my breakfast dabao outside the shopping mall and (eating alone). While I’m waiting for my order to send to customer..I wonder as a food delivery person where can we eat?? So I called up NEA and they told me they have no idea about this so they transfer my call to covidgobusiness, they also say this is a gray zone for those under food delivery as they understand we are always outside travelling..

So they will highlight this and get back to me soon.

Just wanna say Singaporean don’t help Singaporean.. We deliver the food to you we also need to eat we also human can’t some people be more understanding? It’s not like we loitering outside.. We are doing our job by sending food to your house.. But we also needed to eat right?

Hope we can help each other to fight this wuhan hand in hand..

I’d like to correct him and say that we’re fighting a virus and not a city in China, but given that he could be the one who deliver my McSpicy to me, I’ll let it slide.

And to add on, there are also a few people who might face the same problem:

  • Postmen riding motorbikes
  • Salespeople in essential services who have to be out there taking orders
  • PHV and taxi drivers (they can have the food in their cars but it’ll make the vehicle smell)
  • Delivery personnel riding motorbikes

I’m pretty sure there would be more. While one solution is for them to go home to makan, some might work in areas pretty far from where they live.

Given that new measures are implemented every day and new rules kicked in just as fast, let’s hope the authorities would find a solution to this grey area soon since the issue has been highlighted to the authorities.

Or maybe today there is zero case and the Circuit Breaker would be lifted. Who knows.

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