If you frequent areas around Bugis, chances are that you’ve probably been to Waterloo Street.

It’s one of the earliest streets in Singapore, dating back to the 19th century when it was called Church Street.
Which then changed because Raffles Place also had a church street.
You’d know it’s the right place when you can see religious sites like Sri Krishnan Temple and Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple.
And of course, the multitude of vendors with their oversized umbrellas across the street.
However, these vendors will soon need to apply for a license and pay rent if they want to continue the business.
Waterloo Street Vendors to Pay Monthly Rental Fee for Selected Spots In 2021
This will begin starting from 4 Jan 2021.
The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) announced on 8 Dec that this was the Government’s response to address public health risks from COVID-19.
They cite overcrowding of stalls and discarded boxes causing potential health and fire hazard as reasons.
Feedback from residents also showed that cluttering was one of the main complaints.
And overcrowding is something we should actively avoid, despite few cases that are mostly imported.
In total, there are 41 street vendors in the area, according to SLA.
They include 19 fortune tellers, 19 flower vendors, two reflexologists and one cobbler.
Vendors currently do not pay rent with the exception of the flower vendors.

Bet you didn’t know that, eh?
They pay S$120 yearly for Singapore Food Agency to provide them with a street hawking licence.
Everyone To Get A Lot
Thankfully, SLA has also stated that all the vendors can get a lot.
Which ones, however, will be decided through balloting, as the agency feels this would ensue ‘fairness and transparency.’
This will take place on 14 Dec and the vendors will move into the new lots by 4 Jan 2021.
The flower vendors are stated to be given spots outside Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple for devotees to get them easily.
Each new lot will be measure around 2m by 1.5m, The Straits Times reported, and will cost around S$48.15 monthly.
And you might be thinking that this is kind of sudden.
Especially since the balloting literally happens next week.
Luckily, SLA will only start collecting licensing fees starting from 1 June 2021 and vendors who have financial difficulties can approach SLA for help.
SLA Planned For Several Months
In fact, the agency had been planning for this since June.
They needed to start soon because many government agencies were involved in planning.
Despite the sudden announcement, the vendors so far not reacted badly to the news and were apparently “not surprised”.
SLA said the licence is renewable on a three-year basis subject to redevelopment plans.
It is also not transferable and the 41 vendors are not allowed to sublet their stalls.
The agency is to start preparation works between 15 Dec to 12 Jan 2021.
Featured Image: Cheng Wei / Shutterstock.com