From 25 Sept 2023, You Can Get Married Online in Singapore

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Singapore’s shores and many services offered their services online, people have come to expect the ability to do things remotely.

After all, the convenience of logging into a site to complete a pesky task from the comfort of your home is very alluring.

Why queue at the bank when you can do the same transactions at home?

Similarly, Singapore has taken a step to digitalise its marriage registration processes for good.

From 25 September 2023, you can register your marriage online.

Here is what this online marriage registration process is about

You Can Get Married Online in Singapore From 25 September 2023

Do you have the itch to get hitched?

If you do but don’t have time for a physical visit to the Registry of Marriages (ROM), the government has a solution for you.

Online registration of marriages will be possible on the Our Marriage Journey by the ROM and the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM).

That’s great news if you hate making appointments and heading down to the venue to formalise your lifelong commitment to your partner.

If you want to register your marriage online, you can make your declarations digitally with the help of Singpass.

Personal details from Singpass can be a shortcut to filling up tedious forms, and you can skip the step of verifying your documents since Singpass’ information is already verified.

Do note that this exception for document verification only applies to those marrying for the first time and above the age of 21.

If you are not a Singaporean, a permanent resident or don’t meet either of these criteria, heading down to 7 Canning Rise is your best bet to register your marriage in Singapore.

For Muslims, the bride’s lawful guardian must be her biological father for the online declaration to be valid.

As Muslim marriages include other steps, such as meeting the wedding solemnizer before the solemnization ceremony, those cannot be bypassed with the online registration service.

The good news is that virtual solemnisation services will continue, as they did during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another aspect of this transition to online registration of marriages is the issuance of digital marriage certificates.

The days of signing a hard copy document may soon be behind us as newlywed couples will be issued a digital certificate via e-mail after their solemnization ceremony.

The digital certificates will come into play for those who register their marriage with the ROMM in 2024. For those using the ROM, the digital certificates will apply to those who submit their application on or after 25 September.

If the couple opts for this, there will still be an option for a physical certification.

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