In 2014, the news that Michelle Carter encouraged her boyfriend, Conrad Roy to kill himself through dozens of text messages shocked the world because she took advantage of his mental distress instead of helping him through it.
This time, 21-year-old Inyoung You in USA was recently indicted for having caused the suicide of her boyfriend, Alexander Urtula, a 21-year-old Boston College student.

According to CBS News, prosecutors said that You had “complete and total control” over her boyfriend. Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins said that throughout the 18 months that the couple was together, Urtula was subjected to verbal, physical and psychological abuse. This was later proven to be true by both their family members and classmates.
You allegedly manipulated Urtula and controlled him by threatening him that she would commit self-harm if he didn’t listen to what she said. The abuse then became “more frequent, more powerful and more demeaning” closer to his death.
She clearly pushed him into a corner and made sure that he stayed there; classic power play.
Prior to Urtula’s suicide, the couple had an exchange of more than 75,000 text messages, with 47,000 of them being from You.
According to Rollins, You knew she had the upper hand in this relationship and had control over Urtula’s “spiralling depression and suicidal thoughts brought on by her abuse, yet she persisted in continuing to encourage him to take his own life”.
What kind of monster does this?
What Happened
On 20 May, the day of his Boston College graduation, Urtula decided to end his life and later jumped to his death from a parking garage in Boston.
While this happened, his family who travelled down to Boston from New Jersey to see him graduate waited for him at the ceremony.
It was supposed to be a joyous occasion for them to celebrate his achievements. Little did they know…

Rollins said that You was in knowledge of where Urtula was because she could track his location on her phone and they believe that she was apparently “present” when he killed himself. However, it is not known whether they had interactions right before his death.
This is some sick twisted love. To think that he suffered through 18 months of torture before he finally decided that it was enough.
Despite knowing that he was already unstable because of the abuse he suffered from her, she continued to abuse him and told him that he should kill himself. Rollins even announced that there were hundreds of messages from You encouraging him to commit suicide.
What’s Going To Happen To Her?
You is currently in South Korea and authorities are fairly certain that she will return soon to face her charges.
Hopefully, justice will be served and she pays for her mistakes. Urtula’s family deserves at least that much after losing their son.
If you know anyone who has suicidal thoughts or is someone who is getting domestic abuse, please do not hesitate to reach out to Samaritans of Singapore at their 24-hour hotline at 1800 221 4444 or the AWARE helpline at 1800 777 5555.