Google & Facebook Are Letting Their Employees Work from Home Until End of 2020

If you’re thinking that everything will go back to normal once circuit breaker lifts, you’re not the only one.

But will it happen?

Nope, at least not according to the multi-ministry task force in Singapore.

And they’re not the only ones.

Thousands of miles away in America, technology giants, Google and Facebook seem to think so too, regardless of how Trump says he wants to reopen the economy again.

Tech Companies Are Letting Their Employees Work from Home Until End of 2020

According to a Forbes article on 8 May, Google is letting their employees work from home until the end of the year.

They will start opening offices globally in June for some employees but a “bulk of their workforce” is likely to continue working from home.

On Thursday, Facebook announced that employees are able to choose to work from home until the end of the year.

Previously, Amazon and Slack have also made similar announcements.

Amazon told its employees to work from home through October while Slack said their employees can work from home through September.

Both said that regular office work will not resume until after summer, which usually ends on 31 Aug 2020 in America.

Meanwhile in S’pore

The authorities have told Singaporeans that even after 1 June, life will not “go back to normal“.

  • Mask will still be a semi-permanent fixture on our faces.
  • People are still not allowed to socialise at work.
  • Employees who are able to work from home will still have to work from home.

Previously, a group of researchers have guesstimated that the Covid-19 pandemic will be here to stay for at least two years or after 2/3 of the world’s population has recovered and gain immunity to the virus.

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They had advised governments, when doing their briefings to their people, to incorporate the need to not let down our guard.

For the next two years, they said, we can expect to see Covid-19 come in waves.

This is what the authorities are afraid of as well, which is why, in order for #CB to be lifted, three factors have to be looked at:

  • The number of cases in Singapore
  • The global situation
  • And whether there are systems in place for us to be able to lift #CB without the entire situation going out of control.

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