Google Has Also Joined in the Fight Against Malware Scams With New Security Update

Scams are everywhere, and people are losing their hard-earned money to some nameless, faceless scammers.

Many measures have been rolled out to help reduce and even eliminate scams.

For example, some banks’ official apps don’t work properly if you have sideloaded apps on your phone.

The banks are also considering allowing consumers to lock up a part of their money so that it cannot be siphoned off digitally.

Now, Google has joined in the battle against scammers. Its new security update can help the innocent avoid falling victim to heartless scammers.

Here is more about what Google is doing to fight against malware scams.

Google Has a New Security Update for Android Phone Users

Are you an Apple fanatic, or are you a die-heard Android phone user?

If you are in the latter category and have been worrying about the safety of your phone, given all the malware scams flying around, perhaps you can rest easy tonight.

Google is releasing a new security update which can alert Android phone users to malicious apps.

The hope is that this new security update will save some people from falling prey to scammers.

One of the features of this security update is Google Play Protect’s security program which scans new apps to detect threats.

So, when a user wants to download a new app that was not previously downloaded, the scan can tell you and warn you about unsafe apps.

It’s great news for all of us who may mindlessly click on apps to download.

So when’s the big release?

The release will happen in batches, but Singapore is not the first country where this new feature will be rolled out.

Instead, Android phone users in India have priority as that is where the scams happen most frequently, according to the local news out The Straits Times.

Singapore Android phone users can wait patiently for the update to hit our shores in the coming months.

Hopefully, any bugs will be fixed by then, and our users can seamlessly enjoy the protection Google Play Protect provides.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should let down your guard when protecting yourself and your assets from scammers.

What you can do to protect yourself is, for example, take advantage of your banks’ new initiatives to “lock up” certain portions of money.

And you can avoid downloading sideloaded apps so that your banking apps work correctly.

If you want to know more about what initiatives our local banks have to protect you from scams, watch this video.

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