
The $12 million Hong Bao Toto Draw is around the corner, and I’m pretty sure many of you are wondering what you’re going to do with the winnings. You’re 101% certain that you’re going to be one of the winners, and 102% certain that your life is going to be different.

But what if I tell you that it’ll make no difference—even if you’re the sole winner of the Hong Bao Draw?

For a start, it has been widely believed that 70% of lottery winners would end up bankrupt in a few years. While there’s no official stats to back that up, common sense would tell you that it’s not unexpected.

Still find it hard to believe, and think that I’m just jealous because I’ve not won anything before?

Well, closer to home, a Grab driver has just shared his $500k windfall and what happened after that.

Grab Driver Reveals How He Lost $500K Big Sweep Winnings in 5 Years Due to Greed

In a Facebook post by Facebook user Ian Isaiah Ding, he shared how he learned about a Grab driver’s fate after winning $500k in a Big Sweep five years ago.

In the post, the driver, who is called Mr T, had won the second prize in Big Sweep for a whopping $500K.

Big Sweep, also by Singapore Pools, is like the bigger brother of 4D: it’s harder to win but the prizes are much higher.

He quit his job immediately, and spent $20K on a holiday to Taiwan with his father. And it’s not just a normal holiday: he took a Business Class flight.

I’m so not jelly at all.

And for the next 45 days, he went for a drinking spree every single day, opening bottles of expensive hard liquor because why not?

One day, he fractured his spine and also realised he had 3rd stage brain cancer. Now, remember this point because it’s going to be very important. Apparently, because he has insurance coverage, he didn’t need to spend much on his medical bills.

So that means he still have lots of money left.

The next $100K were lost at the casino. Another $100K were lost after he was scammed by some guy who promised him that he could win more money.

And as for the remaining money?

He just spent them on movies, food and whatnot.

The entire $500K have since been spent, and to recap, here’s what he spent on:

  • $20K on a holiday to Taiwan
  • A large amount on drinking
  • $100k on gambling
  • $100k to a scammer
  • A large amount of money for a long time for movies, food and whatnot

For the entire five years, he didn’t work at all. He won the Big Sweep when he was 33 and he’s now 38.

But hey: sounds like a pretty good lesson, but here’s something you might want to know: please learn the lesson in his story, but take the story at face value.

Facebook User is an Insurance Agent

If you’ve some time, you might want to read the post here:

If not, here’s some context for you armchair detective out there: for a start, the mention of insurance coverage paying for most of his hospital bills seem a tad too convenient.

What’s even more convenient is that the Grab driver has the “photo proof of the letter of diagnosis as well as his X-Ray images.”

I’m very sure all Grab drivers put diagnosis letters and even X-Ray images in his car or on his phone. I think Obama or Kim Jong-Un once said that having X-Ray images in phone bring good luck.

And secondly, the writing is too professional: not those “scholarly” professional, but professionally written to be extremely entertaining and easy to read. Basically, you can say that it’s “Goody Feed” style instead of mainstream media style: it takes a lot more effort to write with such flair.

I meant, I spent 10 hours to think of that Obama and Kim Jong-Un joke.

Reader Bao: Wait, that was a joke? It wasn’t Obama who said that?


Either the Facebook user is blessed cursed with Goody Feed genes, or he’s taken the effort to make it entertaining yet informative at the same time.

And of course, the hashtags at the end of the post: #GrabAdventures #IANsurance #LifePlanning #ICannotGuaranteeYouWillStrikeLottery #ButIfYouPlanWithMe #IGuaranteeYouWillRetireGrand

Before anything, do note that we’ve nothing against the talented young agent lah; in fact, we applaud his writing skills and welcome him to write for us.

It’s just that it’s the Internet, so it’s important to interpret things critically.

But one thing still stays true: even if you’re going to be a millionaire on 7 February 2020, you’d still be a poor fellow five years later.


With or without Mr T’s story.

And…before you think all agents are like this…

…do remember: there are good agents and there are bad agents.

Now, you can really plan your insurance with the Facebook user who posted this story, because he does have proof that the entire conversation did occur:

Image: Facebook (Ian Isaiah Ding)

In other words, everything should be true: including the fact that he might not be able to guarantee that you’ll strike lottery, but he can guarantee you will retire grand.

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