Receiving an act of kindness from a stranger usually feels special.
Because they don’t know you, they don’t necessarily benefit, but the fact that they’re willing to go out of their way to help you, even if it’s in the smallest of ways like becoming the shoulder to cry on or be a listening ear, it feels nice.
Driver Comforting a Stranger
A few days ago (31 May), TikTok user @jstkilz shared an experience she had with a kind GrabHitch driver.
In the video caption, she wrote that she had booked a GrabHitch to the other side of the country. Because she having such a bad mental breakdown in the car, she started to cry horrendously, without stopping.
Out of the kindness of his heart, she writes, the driver decided to take her to the PS Café in Dempsy because he felt bad for her.

She referred to the driver as “J” and expressed her gratitude, calling him a “real dude”.
The driver wasn’t obligated to do that, but he definitely lightened her mood that day.
Kindness or “Pretty Privilege”?
Naturally, there were commenters who agreed, stating that the driver “deserves a medal”.
Another netizen wrote, “That’s really sweet of the driver”, with another liking the comment and remarking that he should be given a five-star rating.
However, some netizens don’t necessarily think that the driver did it out of the kindness of his heart.
For instance, the most popular comment with over 500 likes said, “Pretty privilege”.
Which insinuates that she was only treated this nicely because she was beautiful.

The next most-liked comment follows the same vein, albeit more self-derogatory, “If I cried in the cat, the driver [would] ask me to go out and cancel the trip lol”.
Mate, the ride would be more awkward than necessary as you cry all over the nice upholstery, but I think the driver will still take you to your destination, though they might drive faster just to get over and done with.
Another commenter jokingly writes, “Same, but he brought me to IMH (Institute of Mental Health).”
Others were blunter and pointed out that the driver probably had other motives, like wanting to get to know a gorgeous lady like @jstkilz.
But just like what @jstkilz lip-syncs in the background of her video, “If he’s a serial killer, what’s the worst that could happen to a girl that’s already hurt?”
(A lot of bad things, but that’s not the main point of the argument here.)
Regardless of what the driver’s thoughts were then, it doesn’t erase the fact that it’s a nice gesture.
Yes, not all private-hire drivers are good-natured, but @jstkilz got home safe and felt better afterwards.
End of the story.
Let’s not overcomplicate things, shall we?
Featured Images: TikTok (@jstkilz)