Guy in Geylang Caught Putting His Foot Under Taxi to Claim Insurance But Was Caught Acting

Insurance fraud is a real thing in Singapore. Don’t believe my words? Then take a look at this infamous video that went viral a few years back:

There are more of such videos if you’re willing to spend the time to find them, but you get the gist: people are pretending to be injured by vehicles, and their modus operandi is to ask for a few hundred dollars from the driver if not they’d report the case to the police—which the driver would most probably just pay him or her off.

But with in-car camera installed in almost every vehicle, it’s now a tad more difficult to pull off this trick.

Just ask this guy in Geylang.

Guy in Geylang Caught Putting His Foot Under Taxi to Claim Insurance But Was Caught Acting

In a video shared on a few Facebook groups, a driver caught the antics of a fraudster whose acting is so bad, he should have joined Goody Feed as a talent.

Here’s him deciding not to follow the social distancing measures and walking near a moving taxi:

And then, here’s the taxi rolling over his foot – or, to be more specific, here’s him making sure that his foot touches the wheel of the taxi with his eyes focused on the wheel:

In a typical accident, the guy would’ve fallen to the ground, crying in pain.

But of course this isn’t typical, and this isn’t an accident.

The pain has to come later – after he’s made sure the taxi driver knew what he’s done.

Here’s him running after the taxi and pointing at his foot:

Thank God he pointed the correct foot.

And because the taxi driver seems to deny what’s gone on, the guy has to do a Neymar:

And as usual, the guy had a Pheonix Down immediately and recovered within seconds, because that’s how the world works:

Thankfully, the driver of the car that filmed the entire incident buay tahan because MediaCorp shows would have a better a actor and plot, so according to him, he confronted the man.

Here’s what he wrote:

Those drving in Geylang better becareful… tis malay guy trying to create an accident when a taxi passby… i [email protected]#k him off n told him i hav camera n he keep saying he nv… He even challenge me to see the video, i told him can but wait for police come 1st then we all see together.. he faster run away… nowadays TD n PHD alrdy hav a very hard time n tis idiot stil wana choot pattern!!

According to the time stamp, it most probably happened yesterday (29 March 2020) at around 5:18pm.

So what’s the message in this article?

Firstly, make sure you have an in-car camera. And secondly, which is even more important, make sure your in-car camera works. I’ve seen countless people whose camera is just there for show – don’t use it just for show.

If not you’ll roll over this guy’s foot.


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