International health organisations and governments have a simple message for everyone on Earth: stay at home.
Staying at home prevents us from contracting and spreading the virus, which is essential as our healthcare systems would be overwhelmed otherwise.
And if you’re married, staying at home gives you more time to spend with your husband or wife, which would make you both happy and insane.
But what if, despite being told to only leave your homes for essential trips, you leave it to go shopping with another woman?

HK Singer Vivian Chow Told People to Stay Home But Her Husband Was Spotted Outdoors with Another Woman
On March 27, Hong Kong singer Vivian Chow urged her fans to stay at home for their friends, families, and medical workers at the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, her husband either doesn’t follow her on Instagram or ignored her plea altogether, because he was spotted out and about with an unknown woman last weekend.

Photos on Hong Kong’s Sing Tao Daily on Wednesday (8 April) showed Nieh and the woman together at a mall in Causeway Bay last Saturday evening (4 April).
Both Nieh and the woman, who looked to be about 30 years old, were wearing face masks and behaving like a couple on a date, according to The Straits Times.
The two were spotted at a shop selling Taiwanese snacks, where they were standing very close to each other and laughing heartily while looking at packs of dried mangoes.
Now, everyone knows that when you and another person laugh heartily while looking at dried mangoes, you’re either insane or in love.
I’m not saying these two are in love, but Nieh doesn’t exactly have the best track record.
A Former Philanderer
In 2008, Nieh was photographed kissing a college student named Miffty Cheung in a club.
Nieh later claimed that he had been drunk and did not even know the girl’s name, but this led to him and Chow announcing they would split after 19 years together.
But to everyone’s surprise, the two got back together within a week and declared that they were going to register their marriage. The couple eventually tied the knot in the subsequent year.

Rocky relationship
Ever since the kissing incident, the couple have been heavily watched by the media.
Reports of the couple sleeping in separate rooms in 2014 were quashed by Chow, who said the claims were “purely fictitious”.
But when Nieh was asked the same question in another interview, he said “there are many rooms in the house”, indirectly admitting to the allegations.
Now, sleeping in separate rooms doesn’t automatically mean there’s anything wrong with your relationship, but the fact that they feel differently about it shows there everything isn’t fine and dandy.
And with this latest incident, who knows what’s going to happen to the celebrity couple.
We shouldn’t judge though, maybe the woman was a relative or close friend of Nieh’s. I know I always look at dried mangoes and laugh heartily when I’m with my colleagues.