If You Can Smell Smoke Yesterday, It’s Not Indonesia, But A Fire in JB

If you woke up this morning and see the yellow sun, the first thought that’ll come to your mind is, is the haze back?!

Source: Giphy

Or maybe, if you were out and about last night in Jurong West, you might’ve smelled smoke in the air.

GIF: Tenor.com

Why, INDONESIA! Haven’t we thank you enough for fresh air already?! Don’t we have enough trouble already?!

Now, before you panic like headless chickens because masks in Singapore are rarer than GST Voucher handouts, know this:

The Annual Haze Season Isn’t Coming (Yet), Don’t Worry

According to the National Environment Agency (NEA), the smell of smoke was caused by a smoke plume from southern Johor.

The smoke was blown by prevailing northeasterly winds to the eastern part of Singapore.

Image: NEA

They expect slightly hazy conditions in parts of Singapore and will monitor the situation carefully.

This has happened before back in Mar 2019.

Everything Seems Normal In Air Quality Reading

A quick check at NEA’s air quality readings seems to indicate that everything is normal.

Image: NEA

The 24-hour PSI readings indicated that all areas of Singapore are within the Good banding.

Image: NEA

Similarly, the 1-hr PM2.5 readings indicated normal air quality as well.

Hotspot Outlook

Image: NEA

Currently, the weather remained dry in the Mekong sub-region.

Moderate to dense smoke haze was observed in eastern Myanmar, northern Lao PDR, northern and central Thailand.

The majority of hotspots are concentrated mainly in Cambodia.

In Other Words, Don’t Chiong For Masks

The annual haze season isn’t here, plus with the Covid-19 pandemic, masks are in severe shortage in Singapore.

Leave them for other people who need it more, like cancer patients.

Cancer Patient in S’pore Who Really Needs Masks Allegedly Having Tough Time Buying Masks

Meanwhile, remember to observe safe distancing measures put into place by the government because you could be jailed or fined for not doing so.

New Rules Mean You Could Be Jailed for Not Keeping a 1-m Safe Distance While Sitting or Queueing

Here are the new measures by the government for those who might have forgotten.

Everything About S’pore’s New Measures That’ll Close Many Places From 26 Mar, 11:59pm

Meanwhile, stay safe and let’s all work together to pull this through, yeah?

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