IMH Says Maskless Briton Has No Mental Illness & is Fit to Plea

We thought the Sovereign Lady of Shunfu was bad, but then we met Benjamin Glynn.

Glynn achieved nationwide notoriety after he went viral in a video on the MRT where he refused to wear a mask.

Those who wondered why the Briton refused to mask up didn’t have to wait long for an answer, as he proudly declared he was a “Sovereign” in court.

Oh no, not this sh*t again, everyone in court must have thought.

Despite his insistence that his mind is “very sound”, the prosecution advised that Glynn be assessed to determine if he’s of sound enough mind to defend himself, as his lawyer was unregistered and therefore not allowed into court.

The judge agreed, so instead of standing trial on 5 Aug as he was supposed to, Glynn was remanded at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).

Now, it appears that his mind really is “very sound”.

IMH Says Maskless Briton Has No Mental Illness & is Fit to Plea

After a psychiatric observation at IMH, Glynn was assessed to have no diagnosable mental disorders and is therefore fit to plea.

The 40-year-old is now facing four charges, including breaches of COVID-19 regulations.

He first appeared in court on 2 July, and unsurprisingly, was barefaced when he arrived. He only put on a mask after being told to do so by a security officer.

In court, he was handed three charges, namely:

  1. One for harassment – he allegedly used threatening words against two police officers
  2. One for being a public nuisance – he once said “I will never wear a mask” when asked to do so by members of the public on the MRT
  3. One for breaching the Covid-19 (Temporary Measures) Act – you know why

Believe it or not, the 40-year-old was caught on camera without a mask after his 2 July hearing outside the State Courts building.

This may explain why was handed yet another charge on 19 July.

Glynn’s bail was revoked that same day, and he was remanded.

Previously Said He Will Never Plead Guilty

When Glynn was caught not wearing a mask by bystanders and told to do so, he defiantly said, “I will never wear a mask.”

While he didn’t bring a mask, he seems to have brought this stubbornness along with him to court, as he previously declared: “I will never plead guilty or not guilty…It’s so straightforward it’s so clear that this sham of a case should be dropped.”

In a previous hearing, the prosecution said they received a letter, purportedly from Glynn’s family, saying they’ve noticed a “marked change” in his behaviour, especially after COVID-19 restrictions were imposed.

The prosecutor added that Glynn’s family members have reported his “increasing hostility” towards them.

Since pleading guilty is often seen as an indication of remorse and taken into account during sentencing, Glynn’s refusal to admit fault could come back to bite him in the end.

To know the importance of masks, watch this video to the end:

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Featured Image: Facebook (Keefe Chan); Youtube (The Straits Times)

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