Indian Worker Who Died In Crane Collapse In Novena Was Expecting First Child

Accidents are the worst.

Being unable to prepare for it makes it all the more upsetting.

You could be having a completely normal day when an errant PMD hits you out of nowhere. Next thing you know, you have to be hospitalised.

Or even worse, dead.

An even more terrifying outcome? Imagine having a family in another country and leaving them behind due to the said accident.

This is, unfortunately, something we have to report today.

A Great Tragedy

This incident might be quite familiar to us now.

On the morning of 4 November, a worker died following a construction crane collapsing at a Novena construction site.

Image: Facebook (All Singapore Stuff)

According to CNA, the deceased has been identified as Velmurugan Muthian, 28.

Image: Facebook (itsrainingraincoats)

Velmurugan previously worked in Singapore for five years and recently went back to India to get married.

Upon hearing that his wife was expecting their first child, he was delighted and made plans to return to India again.

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Velmurugan was the sole breadwinner of his family and his wife, elderly parents and younger brother rely on his paycheck.

A cousin who also works in Singapore is set to fly back with his body today.

Raising Funds For His Family

God bless people with a big heart.

ItsRainingRaincoats, an initiative that gives help to migrant workers in Singapore, has taken notice of this tragedy and made a Facebook post on the situation.

WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY. This is young Velmurugan who died in the Novena crane crash 2 days ago. Age 28….

Posted by Itsrainingraincoats on Wednesday, 6 November 2019

The end of the post contains a link to a fundraising drive where all money raised would be sent to Velmurugan’s family.

“We will likely wait for his cousin to return from India and pass him the money in person so he can give it to the family,” said Ms Dipa Swaminathan, founder of ItsRainingRaincoats.

As of this writing, over S$110,000 has been raised but you can still donate through this link.

The drive will last until 14 November so you still have a week to donate if you choose to.

Ms Dipa feels that it is important for his story and name to be known and that she did not want him to be “another statistic”.

As mentioned previously, accidents happen spontaneously and even the best of us cannot always be prepared.

Keep your loved ones close to you at all times and cherish every moment.

You never know when someone might suddenly be taken away from you one day.

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