Indonesian So Triggered That His Colleague Repeatedly Called Him Fat, He Killed & Burnt Her

People are sensitive about their appearances.

If you were to walk into the Goody Feed office right now, you’d probably be surprised to see me running on a treadmill while I write.

That’s because, a year ago, my boss casually said that I looked a little chubby.

The next day, I purchased a treadmill and started a diet of only lemon juice and Toblerone.

To lose weight at home, I did squats while watching Netflix and cried myself to sleep every night.

It’s safe to say that I was a little affected by his insult. Not as affected as this guy from Indonesia, though.

Indonesian So Triggered That His Colleague Repeatedly Called Him Fat, He Killed & Burnt Her

27-year-old Ali Heri Sanjaya had a big problem; his coworker kept calling him fat.

The Indonesian and his colleague Rosidah, 18, worked together at a restaurant and had known each other for years as they lived in the same neighbourhood.

According to AsiaOne, Rosidah had allegedly bullied Ali, called him fat and compared him to a sumo wrestler in front of others, causing him to become “bitter” and “hurt”.

So, Ali had two options:

1) Tell her off

2) Ignore her

So, naturally, he decided to set her body on fire.

Lured to coconut plantation

Banyuwangi Police Chief Commissioner Arman Asmara Syarifuddin said that Ali had planned the attack for a week.

On the day of the attack, Ali waited for Rosidah to end her shift and asked her to give him a lift home on her motorcycle.

When they reached the coconut plantation at Pondok Nongko Village, he asked her to get off the vehicle, strangled her and set her body on fire using gasoline that he had bought.

He also stole her motorcycle and phone which he sold for 5,250,000 rupiah (S$523) to pay off his debts.

Happy even after arrest

Rosidah’s family first became suspicious when she did not return home on 24 Jan. They made a police report but, unfortunately, it was too late.

Her charred body was found at a village the next day, with her pink motorcycle helmet a short distance away.

Ali was later arrested on 28 Jan; he had been hiding in a hotel after the murder but after the body had been found, he was tracked down.

But even after his arrest, Ali seemed happy when he was tucking into a plate of food. According to AsiaOne, he also nodded when a man in the background asked him if he still had the appetite to eat.

Uh, if this man had an appetite even after burning someone to death then maybe his colleague had a point when she brought up his weight?

Rosidah’s uncle, Ahmad Sodik, expressed his relief that Ali had been detained and said he should face a heavy punishment.

He said: “This despicable criminal deserves the death sentence.”

If convicted of murder, Ali faces capital punishment or imprisonment from 20 years to life.

Don’t call others fat

If there’s anything to learn from this, it’s that words can hurt. You shouldn’t call anyone fat because it hurts their feelings. Also because they could set fire to your body, but mostly the feelings thing.

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