Italy Might Lock Down Several Cities Like How China Locked Down Wuhan

When China first started their “drastic measures” against the Covid-19 outbreak, people around the world pointed fingers at them.

China had forcefully placed 60 million people on lockdown, used mobile apps to keep track of every individual’s movement and basically destroyed any sense of social freedom within affected regions.

Critics called their methods heavy-handed, too authoritative and missing the human element.

But It Seemingly Works

Fast forward months later and China started reporting a significantly lower number of new cases.

On 8 Mar, they reported 99 new cases, a far cry from the 2,000 new cases reported a few weeks back.

Even the World Health Organisation praised China for being on the right track.

With such results, other countries are now looking at China’s way of handling the situation as a possible solution.

Italy Might Lockdown Several Cities

On 8 Mar 2020, BBC reported that Italy is looking at locking down the entirety of Northern Italy.

Image: BBC

The lockdown will effectively quarantine 16 million people in the Lombardy region and 11 other provinces.

The areas will be closed off except for emergency access, limiting movements across northern Italy.

This enforced quarantine will last until 3 Apr 2020 and will affect tourist hotspot Venice and financial centre Milan as well.

Strict Measures Imposed On People Of These Regions

The Italy authorities have also introduced a set of measures the regions have to follow while on lockdown:

  • Ski resorts, museums, night clubs, gyms and swimming pools will be closed.
  • Restaurants and cafes will still be open but customers must sit at least 1 metre apart
  • People are to stay home as much as possible; anyone found breaking the quarantine will be jailed (possibly for three months)
  • Sports competitions are closed to the public (no spectating)
  • Italy Football matches might all be postponed (cya, Cristiano Ronaldo)

Taking A Strong Stance Against Covid-19

On 8 Mar, Italy’s Covid-19 cases have hit 5,883. The number of deaths due to the virus has increased drastically as well to 233.

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The government has approved a plan to hire an additional 20,000 doctors and nurses to deal with the situation.

According to BBC, Italy might also start recruiting retired doctors too.

An Italian politician, Nicola Zingaretti, has also been infected with the virus.

Angelo Borrelli, head of Italian’s civil protection agency, said: “We will win this battle if our citizens adopt a responsible attitude and change their way of living.”

S’poreans Asked To Be Prepared

In Singapore, a new cluster was recently found and the number of Covid-19 cases has increased to 138 cases.

Thankfully, there are no deaths yet but the health authorities have told Singaporeans to be prepared for deaths as the situation evolves.

Covid-19 has infected more than 100,000 people worldwide and Singaporeans are also told to be mentally prepared for a “significant” increase in the number of cases.

That’s because it seems like the rest of the world isn’t handling their Covid-19 situations really well, and we can expect to see more imported cases like the Turkish airline incident.

But whichever it is, don’t be scared shitless because we’re doing really well now.

Wash your hands frequently with soap, don’t anyhowly touch your face and see a doctor if you’re unwell.

As long as Singaporeans do their part, the government is confident that Singapore will pull through safe and sound.

With that said, do keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website.

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