Kind Bus Driver Spotted Passing Drinks To Foreign Workers Working Under The Hot Sun

If everyone did a simple act of kindness every day, the world would definitely be a better place.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a small action, such as giving way to someone or holding the door open for them. Or a big one, such as volunteering at a soup kitchen, as long as it puts a smile on someone’s face.

Kind Bus Driver Spotted Passing Drinks To Foreign Workers Working Under The Hot Sun

This kind bus driver is a good example. It was a seemingly normal day for a man named Timothy and his daughter.

However, a simple act of kindness would quickly change all of that. He shares what he and his daughter witnessed while she was waiting for her bus at Eunos Mansion.

The incident happened at a bus stop along Jalan Eunos on 26 December.

The Incident

As his daughter was waiting for her bus, she witnessed the bus captain of bus 59 stop and press his honk.

Later, they realised that he was honking at a group of workers who were working along the road nearby.

To his surprise, the bus captain then asked one of the workers to come on board before passing them a bag filled with refreshments.

Timothy said, “He asked one of them to come on board to pass them some drinks in a plastic bag.”

“I suppose this was an act of appreciation to the workers.”

“What the bus captain did was really out of the blue and his kindness should be highlighted to encourage more kindness among us.”

Small Acts Of Kindness Make The World A Better Place

If you step back and think about it, giving a bag filled with refreshments is a small act of kindness, yet it had made such a big impact on Timothy, his daughter and undoubtedly the workers.

But what it does is trigger a chain of kindness that is passed on. Let’s all do our part to make Singapore a kind and wonderful place to live in.

You can watch the video here.

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