Kind Teacher Helped Needy Family Spring Clean For CNY & Reconnects Their Water Supply

Teachers are the cornerstone of our foundations, and they can literally change our lives. Kind teachers change it for the better:

While some bad teachers made it worse:

Thankfully, this time, the teacher we’re going to talk about belongs to the kind category.

Not only did he care about his students, but he also went the extra mile to do something for them.

Here is his story.

Kind Teacher Noticed Something Wrong With Students

The teacher, a Mr Mohd Fadli, came to know that two students in his school had to shower at a neighbour’s house.

He decided to investigate and find out what’s going on.

And that was when he realised that the student’s family wasn’t doing very well financially.

Family In Financial Trouble

The father in the family suffers from a chronic illness and was unable to work.

The entire family had to depend on the mother’s job as a hotel service staff.

In desperation, they collected trash into their home in hopes of reselling them for some money.

They didn’t manage to sell and the trash cluttered up their flat.

kind teacher apartment
Image: Facebook (Mohd Fadli Salleh)

To make things worse, they couldn’t make their rent and were almost kicked out from their home.

And they had no water in the apartment as well since the water supply was cut off.

Kind Teacher Immediately Stepped Forward To Help

Metaphorically rolling up his sleeves, Mr Mohd Fadli got together a team to help give their home a makeover.

They cleared the trash.

kind teacher got team together to help
Image: Facebook (Mohd Fadli Salleh)

Painted the house.

painting the house
Image: Facebook (Mohd Fadli Salleh) 

And even gave it a good scrub.

after the makeover
Image: Facebook (Mohd Fadli Salleh) 

But the most impressive part was that they managed to connect the house to a clean water supply again.

The kind teacher did it with the help of Dana Kita, a Malaysian charity organisation.

Image: Tenor

Must be the damn onion ninjas again.

We Should All Learn From This Kind Teacher

There were two things worth learning from him:

One, he mentioned in his post that regardless of race or religion, if you see someone that needs help, you should do it.

Two, it’s easy to brush things off. We all do that from time to time. That colleague of yours had red eyes coming back from the toilet? Must be the onions. Ask. Who knows, you might just end up helping someone in need.


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