Lady Bought Suckling Pig from Tiong Bahru That Looks So Uncooked, It’s Looks Like a Real Pig

Imagine this: you go to a shop known for its roasted suckling pig.

The crispy skin, the juicy meat and that delectable juice the entire pig is soaking in.

Image: Giphy

It’s so good you don’t mind paying top dollar for it.

Image: Tenor

So you ordered one, brought it home and opened it up.

Image: Giphy


Image: Facebook

What the-

Image: Giphy

Now, before you say that I’m making up stories…

This Allegedly Happened To A Lady in S’pore

On 7 Mar 2020, a Facebook user took to Facebook to share her disappointing experience with a roasted pig shop.

She had ordered a suckling pig from Tiong Bahru Roasted Pig for her dad’s 1st year anniversary.

But when she got home and opened up the packaging, she got a rude shock.

Image: Facebook

The suckling pig looks uncooked and the “piggy eye” looks “scary”.

Image: Facebook

Shop Denied That Pig Was Uncooked

Feeling that something was amiss, she messaged the shop to ask if the pig was uncooked.

They repeatedly assured her that the suckling pig was cooked, just that the colour of the pig didn’t change.

Image: Facebook

It wasn’t known if the shop answered her question about why the suckling pig wasn’t crispy as she didn’t share further screenshots of her conversation with the shop.

Image: Facebook

But it seems like she was unsatisfied with their answer since she took the matter onto the public domain.

Not Going To Buy From Them Anymore

She ended off her post with a promise not to buy anything from them anymore.

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It seems like the crispiness of the suckling pig (which is understandable since crispy skin is a must) has massively disappointed her.

Check Your Items Before Leaving

Her Facebook post has gone viral with over 1,400 shares and plenty of comments.

Most of them agreed with her that the suckling pig seems to be uncooked.

Image: Facebook
Image: Facebook

Even Gordon Ramsay was brought into the picture.

Image: Facebook

But among the voices of support, one voice of reason said it best:

Image: Facebook

That’s a pretty good rule of thumb to follow.

For buying stuff online, don’t make any prepayments until you get the products.

For offline buying, check the goods before you leave the place. If not, they might just deny their involvement.

Truly the words of a wise man who’s been cheated often.

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