We all know that robots are the future and we’re already building towards that.
We have artificial intelligence now and the next thing we know?
Your colleague is a robot.
Well, what I’m trying to say is that our world is advancing so fast and no one thinks it’s actually pretty awesome that you have robots that are smart enough to accomplish tasks for you.
One such example is the robot vacuum cleaner that you can get for your house. It is smart enough to map out the floor plan of your home in its own database and proceed to vacuum the floor, ensuring that it doesn’t fall off any steps or go into places it shouldn’t go.

But while most vacuum cleaners look rather dull and boring, there’s an all-new vacuum cleaner + mop that will spice up your house even when it’s just sitting at its dock.
Make way for the new collaboration between LINE Friends and Evovacs.
Brown Edition Deebot U3 Robot Vacuum

This new beauty is called the Brown Edition Deebot U3 Robot vacuum and it’s super adorable. Other than being able to pick up the dirt on the floor, it is also able to mop the floor, killing two birds with one stone.
How cool is that?
And that’s not even the best part. The device has a height of 5.7cm, making it slim enough to go under beds and couches. This means that even the floors underneath those hard-to-reach places will be squeaky clean.

Like any other robot vacuum cleaner, the Deebot U3 maps out the floor plan of your home by using an in-built camera and automatically determines the most efficient way of cleaning your house. Once it’s done with its cleaning job, it will return to its docking station.

Other than being able to do that, it also has other features like app control, stair safety, and anti-collision detection so you can schedule when you want it to clean using an app that you can download on your phone, and you won’t have to worry about it falling off the stairs or bumping into your furniture either.
As if it isn’t already cute enough, Evovacs actually provides you with stickers that you can use to decorate your Brown.
Yep, you can decorate your own vacuum cleaner so that it has a personal touch.

You can give Brown some lipstick stains or even make Brown look shy as he cleans your house.
So What Comes With It When I Purchase It?

If you can’t see the image clearly, then let me list out the things you’ll get.
When you open the box, you’ll see that other than the robot vacuum cleaner itself, you will receive
- a docking station
- side brushes
- a sponge filter and a high-efficiency filter
- a washable microfiber cleaning cloth
- a pre-installed cleaning cloth plate
- an instruction manual
- a quick start guide
- a warranty card
- stickers
Where Can I Get It & How Much Is It?
For a limited time period only, you can get this at the discounted price of $399 instead of the usual price of $499.
This robot vacuum cleaner can be found on Lazada and is sold by Evovacs’ flagship store.
Ordering it on Lazada also entitles you to free delivery and a one-year warranty just in case you face any problems with your device.
Here’s a video to show you the Brown Edition Deebot U3 in action.