So much has happened in 2020 that you might have forgotten about this incident that happened back in 2018. You can watch a recap of the entire incident with these gifs:

Soon after, shit hit the fan when both parties were bought in for questioning.
So basically, what happened on that fateful day was that the lorry driver, Teo Seng Tiong, overtook the cyclist. He then sounded his horn at the cyclist.
The cyclist, unhappy that he’s being provoked, struck the lorry’s side mirror which broke it.
According to Teo, he had allegedly swerved towards the cyclist after hearing a horn from a taxi next to him as he was too close to the taxi’s lane.
And as we know, it kind of ended there until the video went viral.
Eric Cheung, the cyclist, was fined $2,800 for committing mischief.
And as for the lorry driver, he has been found guilty of causing hurt by rash driving, and also failing to make a police report within 24 hours of the accident.
In January this year, he’s sentenced to 7 weeks’ jail, fined $500 and banned for driving for 2 years.
One of the reasons why his sentencing is so serious is due to his past records.
Since 2000, Teo has committed many traffic offences, like speeding, careless driving, failing to conform to a red-light signal and failing to give way to an approaching vehicle.
And other than traffic offences, Teo has been charged for other serious offences as well: voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon in 1988, an obscene act in 1993, affray in 1999, insulting a woman’s modesty in 2007 and voluntarily causing hurt in 2012.
He’s appealed against his sentencing, and today, it’s reported that he loses the appeal.
Lorry Driver in Lorry-vs-Cyclist Saga Loses Appeal & Will Serve 7-Week Jail Time
Today (20 July 2020), Teo’s lawyer had argued that Teo has swerved after hearing a long horn from the taxi – something that was established even before the appeal.
However, the judge wasn’t having any of it, saying, “Many people ‘horn’ me, I don’t care. Basically you just ignore the horn. Cannot be – if someone horns you from behind, you just run into somebody in front. (It) cannot be, right.”
The judge, however, acknowledged that the cyclist was “one-of-a-kind also”.
I’m just as shookth as you to hear a judge using Singlish, but let’s move on.
Teo’s appeal was therefore rejected, and he had to serve his jail term immediately, with the judge saying, “It was a very dangerous act, having viewed the video, and I will therefore also uphold the period of disqualification.”
I don’t know about you, I’m still shookth at the use of Singlish in court.