Lusty Father Sells Baby Daughter To Strangers Online For $15,000 To Pay For Cam Girls

My friend’s grandfather once said, “If you want something in life but you have no money, sell your children”.

I found his advice to be rather strange at the time considering I was only 5 years old, but it certainly explained why he had 29 kids.

OK, so maybe this anecdote above isn’t true, because that would require me to have friends. But while it may seem absurd and abominable to you, one father in China did exactly that to satiate his sexual desires.

Lusty Father Sells Baby Daughter To Strangers For $15,000 To Pay For Cam Girl 

According to the Daily Mail, a father in Fujian, China sold his baby daughter to a stranger couple online for S$15,500.

The father, Lu, was introduced to the baby buyers by two middlemen earlier this year. The adoptive family, known by their surname Chen, said their son died in 2017 and that they have fertility problems.

Some time later, the Chen family met Lu for the first time to see the pictures and videos of the girl. They immediately decided to ‘adopt’ her.

In February this year, Mr and Mrs Chen met Lu again to pick up the child. They paid him 80,000 yuan (S$15,500) in the name of ‘nutrition fees’ and signed an ‘adoption’ contract with the man.

You’re probably wondering why he needed all that money; was it to pay for his wife’s medical fees? Or to feed his gambling addiction, perhaps?

Image: Giphy

Nope. The man splurged his fortune on female vloggers who hosted live shows on a video platform Kuaishou.

Cam girls, in other words.

These videos often involved sexual or explicit content, such as a woman suggestively eating a banana.

Image: Daily Mail

The illegal sale got the attention of authorities when the adoptive family tried to apply for an ID for the girl using a fake birth certificate.

Authorities investigated the matter and The People’s Procuratorate of Jin’an District in Fuzhou later pressed charges against Lu.

Lu is now facing child-trafficking charges for selling his baby to the Chen family. It is unknown whether the baby will remain in the care of Mr and Mrs Chen, but, at this point, they probably can’t do worse than the poor baby’s biological father.

Then again, humans often suck at being human.

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