Man Allegedly Broke into AMK Mosque & Stole Money from Donation Box

While everyone is out there worrying themselves silly about the Wuhan virus, others are busy trying to earn some money, like this man right here.

He just chose to do it.. illegally:

Man Allegedly Broke into AMK Mosque & Stole Money from Donation Box

A 26-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly being involved in a case of housebreaking.

In this case, it wasn’t a house that he broke into, it was a mosque along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6.

On 5 February, the police were alerted to an incident at Al-Muttaqin Mosque.

They received a report that someone had tried to break into the mosque and that a donation box had been forcefully open.

The quick police officers from Ang Mo Kio Police Division managed to promptly identify the suspect and confirmed his identity before arresting him just two days later on 7 February.

Not The First Time

Further investigations showed that this was not the man’s first rodeo.

Investigations found that he is believed to be linked to another case of theft in dwelling and a case of mischief.

If convicted of housebreaking, the man faces up to 3 years in jail and a fine.

In our fight against the Wuhan virus, we shouldn’t forget to ensure that our property is protected by potential burglars.

Here is an advisory provided by the Singapore Police Force on measures you can take to avoid falling victim to housebreaking in the future:

  • Lock all the doors and windows when leaving your home unattended, even for a short while.
  • Keep large sums of cash in banks and jewellery in a safe deposit box.
  • Do not hide keys under the door mat, in a flower pot or on top of the electricity meter box outside the house.
  • Do not leave notes outside your house announcing absence from home.
  • Suspend or cancel all home deliveries (e.g. newspapers) when you are away from home. Otherwise, arrange to have someone pick up your newspapers or mail that are left on your doorstep.
  • Change all locks when your house keys are lost or stolen.
  • Ask your immediate neighbours to keep an eye on your house for any unusual occurrences.
  • Let your neighbours know that you are going to be away, the duration of your absence and how you can be contacted if necessary.

Stay safe everyone!

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