Man Allegedly Slapped Staff in Petrol Station After He Was Told to Wear a Mask

Some people don’t like being told what to do, even in a crisis.

But there are several, non-violent ways to express your frustration when someone tells you to do something you don’t want to.

1) Roll your eyes

2) Go ‘tsk tsk’

3) Give them a death stare and walk away

Some, however, want to physically take out their anger on that person, even if they were just doing their job.

Man Allegedly Slapped Staff in Petrol Station After He Was Told to Wear a Mask

A 55-year-old man is being investigated after he allegedly slapped a female service attendant at a petrol station when she advised him to wear a mask before entering the store.

As you know, all customers visiting supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies, and shopping malls have to wear masks from Sunday (April 12), or they will be denied entry.

This, of course, is to protect the health of staff members and other customers.

It makes complete sense, right? Well, we’re forgetting that some people are incapable of common sense, especially during a crisis.

But why he went so far as to slap the poor attendant, no one knows.

Image: Giphy

The incident took place at a petrol station in Jervois Road on Sunday at about 5.50pm, and police are classifying it as a case of voluntarily causing hurt.

For voluntarily causing hurt, the man can be jailed for up to three years, or fined up to $5,000, or both.

Investigations are ongoing.

Many People Are Being Uncooperative

With the streets of Singapore being as empty as the toilet paper shelf in Giant, it’s clear that many people are taking this circuit breaker period seriously, which is great.

But a stubborn minority are acting as if their lives have been ruined and are refusing to follow simple instructions as a result.

Like the man who threw a chair against the wall after he was caught sitting at a hawker centre and advised to leave.

And some are continuing to go on with life as per usual; one group was even found playing tennis even though we were specifically told not to exercise or do anything in groups.

No More Chances

In case you’re planning on playing soccer with your friends tomorrow before going to a party, you should know that the authorities are not giving any more chances to stubborn citizens.

Now, those who break safe distancing rules will be fined $300.

For those stubborn citizens whose brains cannot process information with long sentences, the government has come up with a handy little acronym to help you out – SAFE DISTANCE:

  • Stay home. Stay safe.
  • Avoid gathering with others not from your household, either at home or outside
  • First offence: $300. Repeat offenders: Higher fines, or prosecution in court for egregious cases
  • Elderly to stay home — they are most vulnerable to COVID-19
  • Don’t forget to wear a mask when going out, especially to markets and on public transport
  • Instead of peak hours, visit markets at non-peak hours on weekends or weekdays
  • Social contact should be limited to household members
  • Takeout or get your food delivered – no dining-in is allowed at eating places
  • All group recreational activities are not allowed in public spaces. Individuals and members of the same household are allowed to exercise by walking, jogging and cycling.
  • No loitering at public spaces. Do not enter closed-off public spaces.
  • Cleanliness and public hygiene are our first line of defence. Wash your hands with soap.
  • Exercise social responsibility.

Though all this advice and the instructions of the authorities can be summed up in one simple but useful phrase: Use Your Brain.

Keeping Phua Chu Kang’s immortal words in mind during this circuit breaker period might just save lives.

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