I’m not a big fan of lending money. Not a big fan at all. Now do not misunderstand me; I do understand the importance of loans. I borrow money from people, and vice versa. But here’s the thing; even at the tender age of 18 (while I was struggling under the charge of a particularly gung-ho officer), I knew enough to loan only to those I trust.
Because to loan to the wrong person, is akin to giving it away. As this article will attest to. Or this. And just so you know, the wrong person could be your own relative too.

Truly, it’s a scary world.
And for this particular Singaporean male, it certainly seemed that way. 18 years ago, he went beyond the call of duty to loan money to one of his platoon soldiers, as the latter was in need of financial assistance. And for 18 years, the debt was never repaid.
Until now.
Man Borrowed $80 From Officer During NS, Returns It After 18 Years
It’s not every day that debtors settle long-overdue payments out of the blue.
It’s certainly not every day that debtors settle an 18-year-long debt out of the blue. But for this Singaporean male, it has certainly happened.
On 17 Jan, Facebook user Derick Khoo Yew Seng took to the social media platform with a rather surprising bit of news, which would’ve surely tugged at the heartstrings of all those who’ve ‘given away money’.
In the post, Derick entailed an experience he had as a platoon commander 18 years back, when he lent an army man under his charge $80 to “resolve his issue”. Throughout the years, the army man in question would change his phone number multiple times, and despite promises of “returning”, the debt was ultimately never repaid. Despite the fishiness, however, Derick kept up his positive demeanor.
“A few times of promises but always never fulfill again and again when deadlines are met.
He changed mobile number again,” he wrote.
“We would never know why, maybe he cant pay the bills and telco terminate his number?
We have to always keep it positive.”
It has to be mentioned, however, that when Derick first loaned the amount, he did so knowing that he might never get it back.
“I also think that if i prepare to lend i prepare to lost it all. Just let water flow (hokkien saying),” he wrote.
But it didn’t happen as the realists would expect. It certainly didn’t happen as he thought. 18 years after the transaction was first made, Derick received a call from an anonymous user.
“Sir give me your bank account number leh,” the user texted.
Suspecting that it was a scam call, Derick demanded for him to reveal his identity.
It was then revealed to be the army man.
The very next morning, Derick received the image of a receipt, and two follow-up text messages.
“Sir done Liao. Pls check.”
And the rest, as they say, is history.

“I believe it half heartedly as I have long ago let this debts flow…….” Derick wrote.
“This morning, he text me with this receipt.
“Tears flow down from my eyes.”
Derick also announced that he’ll be donating the $80 under the man’s name, in the hope that it’ll bring merit to the latter and his family.
You can view the full post down below:
Transcript (lest you can’t read):
I am really touched!!! Waited for 18 years and finally!!!
Its not about the amount of money, its about a men wanting a change of his life!
This post is not to disgrace anyone. I post this because i am super duper happy for him.
He is a army man under my care in year 2002 when during NS time. At that point of time, we are all drawing NS pay and not much money. He feedback his issue to me and wish to borrow from me during one of the platoon commander 1 to 1 interview. Without consideration i lend him the money and hope he resolve his issue and be good
After we ORD, he have not return. He changed his phone number and we are unable to contact each other anymore. I also think that if i prepare to lend i prepare to lost it all. Just let water flow (hokkien saying)
In these years, i met into him again outside and ask him hows life, we exchange contact and also we did mentioned about this loan matter in our messages.
He said he did not forget and sure would return to me.
I believe him!
A few times of promises but always never fulfill again and again when deadlines are met.
He changed mobile number again.
We would never know why, maybe he cant pay the bills and telco terminate his number?
We have to always keep it positive.
The Power of social media. Finally we are connected via facebook.
I also heard about him many times from peer outside but had never give up in him. We continue to Keep in touch.
Last night i receive a call from a number not stored in my phone.
“Sir give me your bank account number leh”
I ask who are you.
I thought must be some scam call because why in this era still call me Sir.
I was busy with friends at that point of time, so i sounded a bit inpatient.
“Who are you!”
Then he identify himself and told me this time he confirm will return me.
I believe it half heartedly as i have long ago let this debts flow…….
This morning, he text me with this receipt.
Tears flow down from my eyes.
Its not the amount!
Honestly 1 HDL meal also not enough but it may be a big amount to someone.
Why i am so joyful because he finally did it and step out of that ‘always empty promises’ him. I see that my man finally wanted a change of his life!
Honestly he can continue to hack care me, there is nothing i can do.
Some of my army man may know who is this guy. But Please do not mention any name in this post if you happened to read.
I would donate out this $80 with this man name and hope merit back to him and his family ?
I sincerely hope you read this post and you must try your best as a responsible man to take care of your family and work hard for your life. 你已经踏出第一步了!加油,不能放弃!
You ?? Jia you bro!
#NeverGiveUp #NeverTooLateToChange #AlwaysBelieve #Positive
*End of transcript*
Well, all’s well that ends well, huh? ?