Man Driving Mercs Took $18 Box of Milo from a Warehouse & Somehow Went Back to Pay Up

Well, I’m sure we all know how much Singaporeans love our Milo.

And it seems like one man might have taken that too far.

After taking a box of Milo from a wholesale warehouse and driving off with it in his car, the Mercedes driver’s actions were revealed when the warehouse owner checked the CCTV footage.

According to Shin Min Daily News, the odd incident happened on 5 May at around 5.20pm, and took place in an industrial building near Woodlands Close.

Wholesaler Found Out After Customer Called

According to the wholesaler surnamed Deng, he only found out that a carton of Milo had been stolen after a customer called to tell him that a carton of Milo was gone from his order.

The customer, who works in the vending machine industry, had stopped by the warehouse to collect 40 cartons of drinks and found out about the missing carton of Milo after tallying his order.

At first, the customer thought that the wholesaler had accidentally counted one less carton when setting aside the drinks for him.

After receiving the news, the wholesaler requested for the building management to review the CCTV footage of the premises.

From the CCTV footage, a man driving a Mercedes was seen getting out of his car after stopping it. He then took the box that had the carton of Milo in it, placed it into his boot and drove off after that.

According to Deng, the entire incident took around two minutes from start to finish, and only happened after all his employees had knocked off work that day.

Deng then filed a police report after the customer encouraged him to.

According to Shin Min, the police have confirmed that the incident did occur.

Investigations are currently taking place.

Not the First Time Driver Has Taken Something From Warehouse

However, just one day after the incident, the Mercedes driver went down to the warehouse on 6 May and paid the wholesaler for the carton of Milo that he had taken the previous day.

Recounting his encounter with the man to Shin Min, Deng said that the man just said that he had come to pay the money. After paying for the $18 carton of Milo, he took his leave without apologising or saying anything else.

Deng also added it was not the first time that the man had committed such a deed. He recognised him from a previous encounter, where he returned to the warehouse two times in the past and paid for cartons of mineral water that he took.

Speculating that the man heard about the police report that was filed, Deng also noted that the man’s face looked ashen.

Deng then mentioned that he may drop the case and not pursue the issue further since the man already paid for the goods that he took. Additionally, Deng also said that the man may not be likely to commit the offence again.

The wholesaler said he is considering dropping the case as the money has been paid and he believes the man would no longer dare to repeat the offence.

Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News

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