Man Found Credit Card & Used It To Buy A PMD That Cost Over $1,000

Have you ever walked down the street and found some money that someone may have accidentally left behind?

Or walked along the road and discovered someone’s wallet?

Or maybe, even someone’s credit card?

What would you do?

Would you return it to the rightful owner by filing a police report, leave it there because it isn’t your business, or simply take it to spend on yourself?

Well, we all know that the third one is one of the stupidest things you can ever do because you can get caught for all your purchases and face jail time for it.

Is it really worth it?


But for some reason, some people still choose to do it, like this 23-year-old man. And of course, he got caught and arrested.

What Happened

The man had stumbled upon someone else’s credit card, and instead of doing the right thing, he let his temptations get the better of him.

I can totally just buy that $1,000 PMD that I wanted! 

Well, even though PMDs have been banned on footpaths, it wasn’t going to deter him from buying one for himself. Besides, it’s not his money anyway.

So off he went to make the hefty purchase of a PMD.

The victim probably received a notification when he purchased it and proceeded to make a police report on 1 January.

On 6 January, the man was found and arrested. His PMD was also taken as a case exhibit.

He was charged in court yesterday with cheating, and if he was convicted, he would be jailed up to 10 years or fined, or both.

If you commit the offence of dishonest misappropriation of property, you can also be jailed up to two years or fined, or both.

What Should You Do If You Lose Your Credit/Debit Card?

If you noticed that your credit or debit card has been lost or stolen, immediately call your card-issuing bank to report this loss so that they can take the necessary measures to prevent unauthorised usage of your card.

It is also a good habit to ensure that you adopt the following measures to prevent this misuse:

  • Opt for an SMS notification to your phone every time your card is charged;
  • Always check your bank statements for any discrepancies and immediately inform your bank should you find any.

Merchants and retailers should also exercise vigilance and adopt the correct card acceptance procedures when processing credit card transactions. It is important that they keep an eye out for the different security features on the card face.

If they find anything suspicious, they should immediately call their processing bank for help.

Make sure you take all the precautionary measures so that you don’t become a victim of crime. Also, if you stumble upon things that do not belong to you, it’s best that you return it to the rightful owner instead of using it for yourself.

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