Man Hid The Fact That He’s a Close Contact With COVID-19 Suspect & Caused M’sia Clinic to Shut Down for Hours

If there were aliens out there looking at us now, they’d most probably say, “These irresponsible human beings deserve this.”

While there are many good coming out from this COVID-19 outbreak, the few bad eggs have worsened the situation.

Like this man who somehow decided to lie about his close contacts and eventually admitted it—and even coughed at doctor’s face.

Some people should really be sent to space and live with the aliens instead.

Man Hid The Fact That He’s a Close Contact With COVID-19 Suspect & Caused M’sia Clinic to Shut Down

By now you’d know that Malaysia’s on lockdown and everyone’s panicky.

In other words, you should either stay at home or stay vigilant.

But a man decided to do neither.

According to a Facebook post by a (most likely) pharmacist in a Malaysia clinic, a young man had visited the clinic on 19 March 2020 morning—the second day of the Malaysia “lockdown”.

During the screening process, he “denied on everything the medical staffs (sic) asked.”

He even coughed right into the face of a doctor and let a pregnant nurse take his vital signs. It’s unknown if he’s wearing a mask, though.

It was only after a while that he admitted that he’s a close contact with a COVID-19 suspected case.

That, well, created a “mess” in the clinic as all patients had to be cleared and the clinic had to shut down for a few hours for disinfection.

Needless to say, if he had admitted it when he first stepped into the clinic, everyone would be fine and aliens out there would say, “Human beings deserve better.”

The Facebook user than lambasted his actions, and added a question at the end of the post: “Dear Malaysians, are you still unaware of what’s going on and where it’s leading us to?”

Here’s the post:

Lest you can’t read it, here’s what she’s written:

So, this is how my KK looked like at 9.57am today. And it’s not because there’s no one who come to seek treatment, but because of some idiotic people who just never learn from the current situation and have no common sense at all.

About half an hour before this photo was taken, I noticed a doctor rushed out from her office and a slight mess was going on. And the reason behind this mess, is a young man. A young man who slipped through all our screenings because he denied on everything the medical staffs asked. The screening at the entrance of clinic, the person who gave him his calling number, the nurse who screened his temperature and BP and all. He had so many chances to admit it, but he chose to hide it. Only upon several times of questioning from the doctor, he finally admitted that he’s a close contact of someone who is Covid-19 PUI (Patient Under Investigation). Following this, our staffs had to clear all the patients in the clinic while reviewing their risk of contracting the infection, and closed down temporarily for few hours to disinfect the whole area.

Please, please just have some sense of responsibility.

Hey boy, you are young. You are healthy. You think you’re fine. But did you know? There are also elderly and young children in the clinic seeking treatment, the nurse who screened your vital signs is a pregnant lady and the doctor who is trying to help you, you coughed right in her face. If you’re not a positive, we will all be grateful. But what if you are? Yes, you have a high chance of recovering from the infection because of your perfectly fine immune system. What about those who accidentally contracted the infection due to your irresponsible acts? If anything happens to them, will you be guilty for the rest of your life?

Please, just use your brain and think.

All of us here in the clinic are trying to help the people. We’re trying to share the burden, even though we’re not a big health facility. Due to some brainless retard, we had to shut down for few hours. Maybe that few hours wouldn’t help much for the current situation, but tiny little efforts count too, isn’t it?

Just too disappointed at some irresponsible and brainless human being. Dear Malaysians, are you still unaware of what’s going on and where it’s leading us to?

So please, use your brain and think.

Over in Singapore, if you want to have more sense of responsibility, you might want to download the TraceTogether app. It’s just a simple download and you could potentially save lives.

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