Man in Germany Took 90 COVID-19 Vaccine Jabs So That He Could Sell Vaccination Status to Others

Even though we’ve been repeatedly told that we should get vaccinated against COVID-19 for our own safety, medical experts definitely didn’t mean for us to go get as many jabs as we can.

But one man from Germany did just that.

Due to Europe’s privacy rules, the man’s name was not publicly released. However, authorities have revealed the motive being his actions.

According to Associated Press, the 60-year-old Magdeburg resident took 90 COVID-19 vaccinations so that he would be able to sell forged vaccinated cards to individuals who did not want to get vaccinated.

How He Got Caught

The man got caught this earlier month (April 2022) after he was seen coming in for a COVID-19 vaccination two days in a row at a vaccination centre in Eilenburg, Saxony.

After the police were notified about the incident, the police proceeded to seize various blank vaccination cards, which had real vaccine batch numbers, from him and started investigations.

Over a period of a few months, the man had apparently taken several COVID-19 vaccination shots at various vaccination centres in the eastern state of Saxony.

He also took vaccines from various brands as well, and as of now the possible effects that the 90 COVID-19 vaccines may have on the man’s health is still unknown.

This one not like our one or two booster shots hor. Mixing doesn’t mean it’s better ah.

dpa, a German news agency, reported on Sunday (3 April) that the man is currently not being detained. However, he is under investigation for the unauthorised issuance of vaccination cards as well as document forgery.

The amount that he was paid to take the vaccines on behalf of other people is unknown as well.

COVID-19 Situation in Germany

Like many anti-vaxxers across the world, there are many COVID-19 deniers in Germany who have not gotten the vaccination and are unwilling to do so.

However, just like Singapore, those in Germany need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to gain access to public areas such as restaurants, theatres, swimming pools, and workplaces.

Hence, there are people like the man mentioned above who help them take the vaccines on their behalf.

Germany has recently experienced a large increase of COVID-19 cases that has likely been caused by the BA.2 omicron subvariant, but it seems like the wave has peaked and is slowly subsiding.

According to the country’s disease control agency, there were 74,053 new COVID-19 cases on 3 April. Less than a week ago, the number of daily cases was much higher, reaching 111,224.

Apart from that, there have been 130,029 people who have died of COVID-19 in Germany as well.

Featured Image: Mahsun YILDIZ /

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