Bussa Krishna, who worshipped the President of The United States, collapsed at a family’s home after a cardiac arrest. The Hill announced his death following a 4-day fast for Trump’s recovery.
So, what happened?
Reuters reported that Krishna regarded Trump as a God after seeing the President appear in his dreams 4 years ago. He thought of Trump as a God that brought good luck and fortune to him and the country.
After a series of lucky events following the dream, Krishna was convinced that Trump was responsible for his luck. Hence, he erected a large life-sized statue of Trump in his honour.
The statue was put up on a shrine outside of his home to the disdain of his family. He fittingly named the shrine the “Trump temple” after converting his humble abode into a place of worship for the US leader.
Back then, he said: “They tell me that I am disgracing them in society. I told them that just like you believe and worship Shiva, I believe and worship Trump. Neither of us can stop the other from doing so.”
His convicted mindset led him to declare Trump’s “miraculous” powers and he even fed cake to photographs of Trump’s face.
When Trump was visiting India earlier this year, Krishna was one of the fans who were extremely excited about his impending arrival.
In Sickness And In Health
When Krishna’s idol was reported to have contracted the COVID-19 virus, Krishna was reportedly so upset that he fell into depression.
As a response to the news, Krishna took it upon himself to fast and pray for Trump’s recovery.
And after 4 days, he passed away from cardiac arrest.
Unfortunately, Krishna was not able to witness his idol fully recovering from the virus; he had passed on while President Trump was considered not a transmission risk.
Krishna would have been happy to know that Trump had posted on Twitter about how he feels better than he did 20 years ago.
His relative, Vivek, told The Indian Express that while depressed, he was not eating well. When he collapsed, they rushed him to the hospital only for doctors to pronounce him dead.
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It is unclear what will happen to Krishna’s “Trump Temple” after his passing but we hope his family will soon find closure.