Man Jailed 9 Weeks for Stealing Newspapers from a 7-Eleven Outlet to Sell to a Karung Guni

For some elderly, their favorite past times include admiring songbirds and playing chess at the stone tables of our heartland flats.

But not for this elderly who was struck with a bad case of kleptomania.

A 50-year-old man, Albert Pang Tze Kaan, was sentenced to nine weeks of jail on 10 February, Thursday, after he pled guilty to one amalgamated charge of theft.

What Happened During The Paper Heist  

The crime was first committed last year November when Pang entered a 7-Eleven outlet located at Seng Poh road. There, he obtained four sets of a Chinese newspaper, Lianhe Wanbao, that cost $1 each, and left without making payment.

The cashier on duty saw what he had done and confronted him about what he did, only to be scolded by Pang as he made his getaway from the store.

But once was not enough for the man. Throughout December and January, Pang would return five more times to the same 7-Eleven outlet, stealing four sets of newspapers each time between the hours of 8pm to 10pm.

CCTV footage captured Pang committing the act on five occasions as well where he would stuff his paper loots in his pants and cover it with his shirt.

Finally, on 17 January, the paper terror came to an end when a separate worker who worked at the same 7-Eleven store spotted Pang and called the police as he got on to pull the same antics.

Before his arrest, the police had observed Pang from outside the 7-Eleven and witnessed him taking 10 sets of newspaper, hiding them with his pants and shirt.

Pang then proceeded to attempt payment only for one set of newspapers, only to leave and dispose of his entire loot inside a shopping basket when he spotted the police. It was at that moment, the police placed Pang under arrest, and recovered the stolen newspapers.

Sold Newspapers to a Rag-and-Bone Man

Pan later confessed that he had sold the stolen newspapers to a rag-and-bone man for an undisclosed sum and failed to make restitution. A total of 34 sets of newspapers (worth $33.20) were stolen by Pang. That’s the equivalent of fifteen back-and-fro MRT trips from Mountbatten Station to town.

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Not His First Brush With The Law

The prosecution sought 10 weeks’ jail for Pang, who had committed the crime six months after his last conviction that was given too due to him stealing newspapers.

Pang said that he wished to plead guilty for his offense and pass through “this process as soon as possible”.

In June 2018, Pang was also sentenced to six month’s jail after he had sent anonymous bomb threats to the Parliament house and headquarters of the police’s Special Operations Command (SOC) unit. Within the same month, he had also sent a threatening letter to a 7-Eleven outlet in Tanjong Katong.

Just what is up with him and 7-Eleven?

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