Unless you’re constipated or having diarrhoea, pooping in the toilet is a pretty relaxing activity.
Your body is ridding itself of waste, and despite how disgusting the whole process is, it can feel quite… pleasurable.

But it isn’t exactly a mentally stimulating activity, which is why many of us multi-task on the pooper; we read books (lol good one), use our phones (don’t lie, everyone does that), and maybe even have a smoke.
One man in Indonesia did just that, leading to an explosive experience in the bathroom, and not one he’s used to.
Man Lights Cigarette While Pooping; Septic Tank Explodes And Sewage Spills All Over His House
One day, a man in living in East Jakarta decided to have a poop (This is not a sentence I ever thought I’d write, but shit happens). It was a day like any other day, except it wasn’t.
So, there he was on the pooper, happy as can be…

… when he decided to have a smoke to unwind. But instead of it helping him relax, it caused his toilet and septic tank to EXPLODE.

As you can imagine, a septic tank explosion isn’t pretty. According to China Press, the force of the explosion was so strong that it ripped through the man’s house, breaking through the ground and destroying his living room, bedroom, and kitchen.

Worst of all, poop was everywhere. His walls and floors were all stained brown.

In this instance, shit literally hit the fan.
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Villagers nearby heard the explosion and rushed to the man’s destroyed house, where they found the man standing in the middle of a crater where his toilet used to be, before lighting up a second cigarette to smoke.

He was going to have that smoke, goddamit, and nothing, not even a septic tank explosion was going to stop him.
Despite his badassery, the man later found out at the hospital that he was actually badly injured from the explosion. But he continued to hold on to his pack of cigarettes like a parent holding a newborn for the first time.
This guy really loves his cigarettes.
The local authorities later explained that it was a buildup of biogas in sewage tanks and pipes that led to the explosion. They also cautioned against lighting open flames near septic tanks and pipes to prevent such accidents from happening in the future.
Reader: Does this mean I have to stop smoking while pooping?
Well, dear reader, I’ve never heard of such an incident in Singapore, but it’s probably wiser to keep your cigarettes out of the bathroom. What’s worse, not having one smoke or having shit all over your house?