Basically, it’s a case of this image:

(The actual store got nothing to do with the case.)
Ok, so what happened?
Woman Got To Know Tui Na Therapist From A “Master” At A Temple
A 32-year-old woman who cannot be named had suffered from back pain, and went to various tui na (Traditional Chinese Medical Massage for you non-Chinese) practitioners in Singapore and Malaysia but did not get better.
The “master” at a temple she goes to then recommended Willet Ong Tat Kee, 67, who he claims can “save her”.
She then went into Ong’s home in July 2016, which uh, should have been the first red flag.
Ong then instructed her to change into a tube top and a pair of shorts he provided. During the trial, Ong massaged her entire body and even pulled down the tube top, touched her breasts and pressed against her pubic bone.
Ong had told her that he did so to “prevent” breast and cervical cancers.
Apparently, he sold the story convincingly enough that the woman paid him, left the premises and then returned three more times later.

Willet Zone Point Therapy
You might be wondering what the heck is that. That’s the name of Ong’s style of tui na that he developed based on his research and 40 years of experience in tui na.
He also then claimed that his therapy is more advanced than the usual tui na.
You know what, without the context that he molested someone I might actually be fooled. 40 years of experience counts for something right?
Except, the online registry for TCM practitioners doesn’t even have his name. Which now explains the first red flag of going to his home instead of a TCM clinic.
Fourth Time’s The Charm
The fourth and last time she went is the plot of a porn video, except it didn’t result in clothesless wrestling but jail for the tui na therapist.
Uh, how do I know so much about adult entertainment? I heard it from a friend. Yes, a friend.

On her final visit on 30 Nov 2016, the same thing happened, but Ong then touched her genitals. This was when she felt that something was amiss, as touching her urethra had nothing to do with treating her back pain.
(Although I want to say that cancer prevention also got nothing to do with the original problem of back pain. But I don’t know lah.)
Immediately after leaving Ong’s home, she called her husband to tell him what happened then called the police soon after.
In the courts, there was no dispute to whether Ong had intentionally touched the woman’s breasts and public bone area while massaging her. The lawyer representing Ong also did not dispute on that point.
Currently, Ong is out on bail of S$10,000 and will be sentenced on 23 April. For each count of molestation, he can be jailed for up to two years and/or fined and/or caned, though those over 50 years old cannot be caned.
Separately, there is also a fifth charge of operating a massage establishment without a valid license to be settled on another date.
I honestly doubt any woman would willingly be touched by a male stranger, so that must have been some scary convincing set up the tui na therapist did. Remember, he even convinced the temple master wor.