To the cleaner in Koufu in this outlet: this article is for you.
While it’s unknown when this occurred, it certainly shouldn’t have even happened in the first place.
So, what happened?
Man Spat Out Food on Table in Koufu Even When There’s a Finished Plate in Front of Him
A video was posted in COMPLAINT SINGAPORE, a Facebook group filled with complaints left right centre to online shame anyone and everyone.
But of all the complaints in the Facebook group, this stands out.
Because it’s a video posted in a group, we can’t embed it so you can read the commentary with gifs instead.
It all started with a guy filming a middle-aged guy who had 2000 Jack Neo’s hairstyle.
Obviously something must’ve occurred before this for the cameraman to start filming this uncle.
Everything’s cool until the uncle decided to spit out food onto the table—despite having a finished plate right in front of him and having tissue paper with him:
A war of words then occurred between the cameraman and the uncle, and while it seems like the cameraman is angry at the uncle’s action, it’s pretty obvious that something has happened between the two of them before this incident.
Even if the camerman’s in the wrong, for the uncle to spit the food on the table is completely unacceptable.
Basic Hygiene During This Period
While we can’t confirm if this happened during the COVID-19 outbreak period or before that, it’s common sense not to spit on the table.
In fact, MOH specifically mentioned that in their advisory when you’re out dining:

Key words here: DON’T spit out food on tables and trays. Use tissues.
Here are other advisories MOH have come out with that we hope the uncle would have seen:

There are more resources which you can access here.