Now, I’ve seen many strange things in my time here in Singapore.
Like that time a horse was spotted in Yishun.

Or that time a woman wore a pomelo rind as a hat while buying a lottery ticket, like it was the most normal thing to do.

But this guy, this guy is the weirdest of them all.
Man Spotted ‘Skiing’ On S’pore Road
I know it’s been a little chilly in Singapore lately, but this is ridiculous.
A man was driving along Central Boulevard on Tuesday evening (7 Jan) when he saw something he has never seen in Singapore before – a man skiing.

And he wasn’t just skiing on a grass patch or something like a normal weirdo, he was skiiing on the road.

SG Road Vigilante shared a video of the incident that occurred near Marina Bay Financial Centre.
“I was shocked but then thought it was amusing,” the man told Stomp.
“Maybe Singapore is the Switzerland of Asia indeed. Who said we need snow to ski?”, he said.
Netizens worried about safety
Some netizens, presumably after laughing for two hours, expressed concern for the road skier and other motorists.

Others weren’t so concerned.

Roller skiing on the road is… normal?
Now, obviously this man on the road wasn’t using the skis people use on snowy mountains, because he would just be stuck in one place waving his hands back and forth like a maniac.

Apparently, what he was doing is something called roller skiing, which is an off-snow equivalent to cross-country skiing.
It’s similar to rollerblading except it’s impossible to look cool while doing it. You also use poles to propel yourself forward.
And, believe it or not, people actually roller ski on the roads in other countries.

So, maybe he’s the normal one here and we’re weird?

Uh, yeah no, he’s definitely the weird one.